What ought?

Monday, May 26, 2008


1 more hour to go. before i need to meet at the airport. To go to beijing. Feeling kinda excited. And worried. And sad. Excited cos going China. Worried cos the chess comp dunno jullian and arthas whether will cock up. And Sad cos im GONNA MISS SPEC Course. FTWWTFFTW. WASTE OF MY time in XMSNCC. FATHERLY. What stupid internal promotion. I then -want sia.a Stupid Stupid stupid. so bye byes. See u in 13 days time.

[[I wrote this at]]*|4:47 PM|

Sunday, May 25, 2008

[[second last post b4 beijing hibernation]]

Im going to beijing tmr. Hope it will be good. at least alot of people that i know are going as well. yay. aniways, 2dae plaed standard wc3. finally know how to use the tower surround technique. Omfg. u surround the comp it acts like a FOOL. ALAF. Dam funny. walk here walk there. aniways, u need the hero to distract the enemy while u build ur tunnels. Towers i mean. Anw, 2dae was full of packing. pack until sian. pack pack pack. hopefully got everything. Oh yes, tmr must EAT vitamin C and bring the CREAM.

[[I wrote this at]]*|11:26 PM|

Friday, May 23, 2008


I cant find my CHECKLIST!! Shit la... dunno whre i put it. Anw, going to parent teacher meeting soon. Nt really looking forward to it...

[[I wrote this at]]*|6:49 PM|

Thursday, May 22, 2008

[[fun Fun]]

Life is very fun. Especially after you have owned in dota. HEHE. plaed against sum bunch of noobs. RANDOMED visage ... COOlsia. wa sian. Sian. Sian. so cool la 2dae. I din slept during A maths. Cool . Slept like for 15 mins. In the end still lyke quite tired. I DONT usually sleep in class. just that was very very tired after watching champion league. WA sian. Nvm. The champion league was very interesting. Todays lessons were very boring. high light of the day- uno and tai tee. WA sian. So bored la. Den went to tuition. tuition. tuition. and plaed comp. the usual... shitbag. Tmr gt science comptetion. hope can do wellllllllllll. never minds. even if i dont do well, NLzz and co better do...

[[I wrote this at]]*|8:17 PM|

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hi. This class is lyke quite imba. First example. Fadz. One of the last in class. In the top half of level. Imba rite? this shows that our class has standard sia. Woot. We full of PRC scholars. Wat u expect? Aniways, i barely manged to squeeze into the top half of the class. Lyke dam hard la. With sot tiao muggers. That mug day and nite. And do homework. And hand up homework. And hand up homework on time. And do corrections. And hand up corrections. I mean like... how u win these people?? Aniways, even the singaporeans in the class are strong... Zzz. Maebe need to study lerhs... SHIT SHIT. NEverminds. today, went to the Singapore science Center. for the national science challenge. Interesting larhs... Den went to do the presentation. Presentation abt newton's 3 laws. i want to talk at first. den daniel say he want. Den inthe end give him lorhs... Haix. nvm. i thot he did quite well. hehe. I thot WE as in WE did quite well. O btw we= Me, daniel, NLZZ, liwen and pris. HArhar. Came back to sch. Did nt go the hua wen zhi duo xing. wtf. Den went for ncc. SLACKED. LALA. I no post. No nid do aniting. Go play basket ball. unfortunately i suck at it...

[[I wrote this at]]*|9:00 PM|

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


shall start with yesterday. yesterday, i woke up at 8:30. Like one of the latest this year. T_T. cos i usually wake up early. cos was very tired last nite. Anden, i went to labrador park with moi family. For a church ev ent. Quite boring. Game was ok. First one is to take photo similar to that of a photo that wus already taken. den see who can finish faster. The teams are choosen according to family. Hee. My family, father leader, was the second in that game. After that, had lunch. din eat much cos morning eat meepok alrdy. den, see people fly kite. I think kk sucks. stop saying that. Lol. Afterdat, second game. Abit boring. Make shapes using people. Den after dat play "monkey frisbee". Scratched my knee. Scraped the skin. WAlaooo. Anden go home. Play comp. Sleep. the usual. And my father Injured his BACk while JUMPING down frm a TREe. cool uh? HaHA. Lol. Next. Today, got back results. Got into Top half of express stream for my imba class. as in 12/25. Pro uh? for the entire class, got 20/42. LALALA. Always in the TOP half. LOlz.

[[I wrote this at]]*|4:04 PM|

Sunday, May 18, 2008

[[Sundays. Boring]]

[[I wrote this at]]*|4:58 PM|

Friday, May 16, 2008


Brain is gonna explode soon. I STILL cant reach york hao EVEN AFTER I told him to ON his Darn HANDPHONE. WALAn. EARly know dun kpo and sign up for the DARNED raffles. In de end dunno how to go, Alvin nt going, need to find way there MYSELF. And dunno abt york hao. ARTHAS. is taking bus himself. WAlan. Still need to get CLOCK frm kok guan. And still need to EXPLAIN why no CLOCK. And, still need to FIND the FORM. Still need do TUITION HMWk. STill need to EXPLAIN 2 teacher why im gonna miss the maths olym and the CIP. WALAN. DAM confusing. IM CONFUSED.

[[I wrote this at]]*|10:18 PM|


My marm is now blaming me of not talking to HER. when she is not talking to ME. I waited a whole afternoon for her to come back. She come back call me come down. She think i WHAT sia? She call come i drop down everything run to her meh? Den now i call her come up, she also never come up. WAt shit. Dun come up dun come down fair fair lor

[[I wrote this at]]*|9:08 PM|


The world goes around and around. Never changing. Just like life. I found out this bicultural trip is causing alot of harm and pain to me. Zzz. Just to go there need to waste so much time. On stuff that are irrelevant to me. Like i have to miss Raffles cup. And i still have to help do the entire stuff. And i have to miss spec course. sobs. Rly sad. WAsted my 3 years of going to ncc. After all, i going to be same as the rest of the regular Ponners. shit la... V sadded lei.

[[I wrote this at]]*|3:54 PM|

Thursday, May 15, 2008

[[2nd round of results]]

DEad. my l1r5 is 10 pts. LALa. great...

[[I wrote this at]]*|9:03 PM|

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

[[1st round of results.]]

A maths: 40/80 - just passed. Din expect it. Expected something around 60. woot. Sad.
Chinese: 104.5/200- Just passed as well. expected sort of it. I wus thinking if lucky will get sth like 55%. If unlucky fail lor. Zzz. This is expected. In my opinion its actually quite good. Considering previous stuffs...
Physics:30.5/60. U can say im sheer tyco or u can say its perfectly planned. Everything so borderline pass. Cool. Physics paper was a letdown. Which i expected it to be everscince i completed, or rather failed to complete it.
Now, for the better marks.
English: 68++ shld be 69. FTW la. Darnit. COmpo was lousy . Crappy. stupid perseverance. Damit. Crapped. First time writing expository in exam. But i wanted CHANGE. Lol. Anyway, letter writing was average. Erh, the coprehension wasnt wat i expected. If nt wrong im top, i hope. Lol .Din expect it. Aniways, the Summary was the letdown. WALAN. content 9/15 language 5/10. FTW la.
History: 76%. A1. Great. Happy. Expected, sort of...
Chemistry: 83%. A1. YAY. So happy. Dunno whether top or not. Doubt it ... with imba people like liwen and meng yue around...

[[I wrote this at]]*|4:55 PM|

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Wasian. 2dae is dam boring. After exams is dam boring. Feeling very troubled. Due to some O level stuff. Sadded. At least my moms coming back soon...

[[I wrote this at]]*|5:12 PM|

Monday, May 12, 2008


hows that creation stuff? makes sense? at least to me it does. I have subscribed to the creation magazine. ani1 interested can ask me to lend. Anws, 2dae was lyke a usual post-exam day. Watched a movie. okay okay larhs. Next, went back to class. play bomb o .Den watch a dance for assembly. Den sth abt my chinese o levels... shit la. V worried. I cant go to raffles cup due to the beijing trip. BET that xinmin will die terribly. Srsly. Eben with me we will still die. LOl. SAdded. 2dae after wards, went to the nlzz hse. Haha. He on the way keep on trying to dissuade us frm going to his hse bt to no avail. SO SAD. Poor NLZZ. Lol. in the end we went to his hse to borrow bmt racket. So funny. his mother according to him dont like people to go to his hse. Bt on the contary, hes mom was very friendly. Den we borrow the bmt racket go down and play. HAHA. I won desmond. LALAl. tmr going to play scoccer wif desmond. Ani1 interested?

[[I wrote this at]]*|9:14 PM|

Sunday, May 11, 2008

[[Why evolution is wrong]]

Firstly, the seminar talked abt. Why the evolution theory is stupid. Firstly, how can stupid atoms(non-living) program them selves to become living? There is no way that it can do that even by chance. It is like a tornado going through a Garage anden u get a bmw that can move. Furthurmore, there is also no way for it to move, even if the atoms were so smart. You cant have information without a iltelligent being. this intelligent being therefore must be god. There is no way that you can get information by chance. Random information is no information. Unless there is someone to decode it. And, Unicellular organisms can NEVER evolve into multi cellular organisms. Woot. U keep a bacteria for billions of years and u get a human? No sense rite? and natural selection DECREASES the amount of infomation instead of increasing it. For example. Dog X and DOg Y mate. Both have a short hair gene and a long hair gene. Their eight children- 2 short hair, 4 meduim hair, 2 long hiar. Lets say that they come to singapore from mongolia. they will breed. But, the long hair people will die. After a few generations, the Dogs will nolonger have anymore long hair gene. thus, natural selection decreases the amount of information. Mutation is even dumber. Mutation is the accident "copying error". For example, this blogskin. I Mutate it-- delete away one line of instructions and replace it with gibberish. What will happen? will the blog suddenly become like DAM GREAT? obviously not correct? Another example of Mutation. I have a Car. mutate it- iavhe ac ra. Makes sense? All these points to a Divine being in that has created the universe

[[I wrote this at]]*|3:23 PM|


Ytd nite i went to a creation seminar conducted by a australian rocket scientist. Woot. Wat he says makes sense thou. quite fun leh. According to the bible, god created the world in6 days and rested on the 7th. He created man in his image and the rest of the animals. It was suposed to be a paradise, a utopia. however, days or weeks after creation, Eve, the loser, the barstard, decided to listen too the serpent and eat the fruit of the knoweldge of good and evil. woot. that Idiotic adam also "ting lao po" and eat the fruit. With that, they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Thorns and Thistles sprang out of the ground. All todays sufferings , diseases , killings and death is the cause of Man's Rebellion against God. Or so it says. at around 1.6k years after adam, there was Noah. Anden, the Flood. Which kiled out the entire population that"breathes through nostrils". I.e, they believe most of the fossils of the world are formed during the flood, and not through MILLions of years. It rained for more than a year non -stop. The waters covered the moutain tips by 8m. when the land began to dry, they believe that god had pulled the land out of the ground. and, all the animals were let out. Oh and btw noah was 700 years old by then. His 3 sons and their wives repopulated the world. Then, there is the tower of Babel. Where god SPlit the people. Created different races and languages. ah .. Then theres Jesus ba. Den he died. then he rose again. then until now lor
Roughly 6k years.
The entire universe is not older than 7k years. Opposite to previously predicted dunno how many billion years. all CRAP.

[[I wrote this at]]*|3:12 PM|

Friday, May 9, 2008

[[First day of post-exams.]]

Sch post exam activities suck. Morning, at sch was sumting abt tile painting. only a selected few did anything. we plaed jeffery's bom-o. Boring thou.next, we went for movie screening. the show name shld be facing the giants. if im nt wrong. frnt part dam boring. cant eben hear wat they say. that is until mr chee on the subtitles. den nt bad. missed part of recess to watch it. Anden, plaed chess. srsly think our chess standard is dam low... the arthas everyday air strike dont want show. bet its some noob shit stuff. that we can easily break. lol. Aniway, the last part was a total disaster. the sls cant eben control the people that they 'invite' up to stage. fazly and the whos act like a fool on top of the stage. blow balloon indeed... wat shit sia. proably need teachers to maintain order. the slb's too ... went to CUT HAIR. LALA. Desmond waited while i cut hair. den cut finish go home. wanted to play scoccer with augustine bt den decided computer more fun :D. Anden, oh... Lester is fat

[[I wrote this at]]*|5:11 PM|

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Going to play chess. RAWR. Bored. My dad is anti-comp games. According to my family, i become a monster when i am playing comp as in dota. Woot. sienzibua. okay. So. Joshua, i mean the long lost joshua, has teeched me how to link. Therefore, i have linked Him and The pro. lol. tmr going to link summore. And, 2dae was listening compre mothertongue. WAIT. YESTerday first. Yesterday was the unofficial end of EXAMS. E maths paper 1 was chicken... Seriously. Compared to the other imba papers, Emaths paper 1 wus easy. It wus also my sister's birthday yesterday. So, tday went for my chinese Listening compre. Full of confidence. In the end i dun think can get full mark. bt still shld be quite good. OLALALA. Den went to xi quan hse. with desmond go there kick scoccer. Kick until a group of malays come. want kick with us. bt we dun want kick with them. so we go away. Haha. den play lf2.5. hehe. can win tengyong and xi quan. waikit abit hard... LOL. Quite fun. DDen come home play dota. Then mrs lim CALLEd me. Sadded. something to do abt the O level giro...

[[I wrote this at]]*|7:47 PM|

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Now that the exams are over, i can finally go back to my philosophical thinkingsss. Firstly, Darren has come up with this Big brain theory. The Big Brain Theory states that: Everybody is born with a same brain. Everybody is born EQUAL. BRAINS DO NOT GROW SMARTER. THEY gROW dumber. Activities such as playing CHINESE CHESS speeds up dumbness of the brain. LOl. funny... I got a better theory. The Humans Are Dumb theory : Everybody is born the same. What happens in your life is due to CHOICES. CHOICES are SMART or DUMB. EVERYBODY Makes more DUMB choices than SMART ones. SMART choices reap good stuff. DUMB choices reap bad stuff. like Karma.

[[I wrote this at]]*|7:44 PM|

Monday, May 5, 2008

[[Its over...]]

its over. at last . a 'maf' is over. Lol. Should can pass ba... damit.. decided that playing SLOW GAME CHESS has slowed down my mind. like last time i play chess either 10 min win or 10 min lose or 10 min draw. Den Dat LAOSHI. cum and sae. Cannot LOSE before 25 mins. SO THINK LONG LONG LOR. Decided that it has slowed down my brain. I kip on rechecking the qns... Stupid brain ar... Think in chess match ar? wrong den wrong la.. just GET OVER it and do the OTHER QNS... walao... Damit la. Chess= one step wrong= die. Studies= 1 qns wrong = nevermind. Studies= many questions never do= die. -.-

[[I wrote this at]]*|3:18 PM|

Sunday, May 4, 2008

[[The what test that i saw frm gilbert's blog]]

Name: nicholas khawDate: 5/4/2008Colorgenics Number: 06713542
You are seeking protection against anything which might seem to be exhausting you or tiring you out. It would appear that you are seeking a life of security and physical ease, free from any problem or disturbance.
You are in need of rest, some peace and quiet. You feel the need to be close to that someone special, that someone who can give you that special consideration and unquestioning affection that you seek. If you don't find that 'special someone' and resolve your problems very soon, you are liable to become extremely introverted and cut yourself off from society.
You have a high opinion of yourself. It is perhaps because of this self-centredness that you become exasperated when you feel that your needs are misinterpreted by those around you. When this happens - and it does quite often - you feel that there is no-one that can understand the way you feel and it is because of this egocentric self that you are quick to take offence.
Recently everything seems to have gone wrong and so you are experiencing considerable stress and anxiety due to mental conflict. A continuous case of 'Should I?' or 'Shouldn't I?'. At this particular moment in time you feel as if you have reached the end of your tether and it seems impossible to ever rectify the situation and so you have decided, perhaps quite unrealistically, to postpone making any further decisions. Disappointment and unfulfilled hopes have given rise to despondency. This conflict between hope and necessity is creating considerable pressure. Instead of resolving this by facing up to making the essential decision, you are likely to immerse yourself in the pursuit of trivialities as an escape route.
You seem to be always on the defensive and that is because you have failed to establish yourself in a manner consistent with your own high opinion of yourself. You are trying to prove yourself with inadequate resources and this has resulted in considerable stress. You are trying to escape from these excessive demands on your reserves by adopting a defensive attitude in which you refuse to be committed or to be involved in further unpleasantness.

[[I wrote this at]]*|4:33 PM|

[[Next chess match..]]

1. C8.4 r1+1 2. H8+7 h8+7 3. P1+1 r1.6 4. A4+5 c2.5 5. R9.8 h2+3 6. R8+4 a6+5 7. E3+5 c8.9 8. H2+1 p5+1 9. H1+2 h7+5 10. C2-1 p5+1 11. P5+1 p9+1 12. H2+3 r6+2 13. C2.3 c9+3 14. P5+1 c5+2 15. R1+2 r9.8 16. H7+5 r8+9 17. C4-2 h5+3 18. H3-1 c9.8 19. R8.7 c5+1 20. H1-3 r6+5 21. C3+1 c5.6 22. C3.4 r8.6 23. A5-4 c8+4 24. A4+5 r6+1 }END " hehe... so act lor....

[[I wrote this at]]*|3:37 PM|


Okays. So. About. Today. today. is Sunday. I found out i cant go on the comp at all on saturday. Cos of my commitmments. I gt chess practice in morning, tuition and hmwk in afternoon. Dinner at nite. At chess, lost to han loong twice. Sien. screw kai ju larhs... WE sure wunt get aniting for raffles 1 lor. zzz aniways, go there make numbers and get experience. sien. without kok summore. SIBEI SIAn. haiz. 2dae. need to study A maths. havent been studyiing. Much. shld be ok. After mrs yeo's ''tuition". shld b thanabale. Going to study sooon. And , church is v sien la... anw, i found out im ALLERGIC to air con... Nowunder gt so much coughs... Btw, im going to link others soon... after i find out how from the legendary MYE chiongsterr

[[I wrote this at]]*|2:48 PM|

Friday, May 2, 2008

[[blardy day.]]

Shit la... i 2dae physics paper very noisy. At least thats what the xiaoqi and randoop say. Lol. I first 10 mins nt doing much... think abt first qns. In THE END. no time to do. Rushed the entire section C. Failed to do the Huiting qns. walao.. go buy a sponge for wat sia.... Think i will do badly :(. Next, History. Mugged already. So quite easy. Just WRITE AND WRITE. Anden. Come home. FOUND OUt moi father, had PASS WORD LOCKED THE COMP. AGAIN. DUE TO MY MOM COMPLAINGING. walao. Shit la... bt at least got laptop lol. Den i go out wif my cousin. and uncle. Then WHILE I WUS WAITING OUTSIDE for the REST of them to GET OUT OF NTUC, THE LITTLE CHUBBY CHENG YI ZOOMeD OUT OF The PRAM AND Smacked HEAD FIRST/. INTO THE ROUGH FLOOR. WA. I So SCARED. Den bring CHENGy to the parents. IMMEDIATELY TIO INTERROGATED. ALREADY So SCARED. still get INTERROGAtED. Haiz. Luckily NTh WRONG with him. GOING TO BRING HIM TO ABC hospital at 7.30. LOl. Lucky nothingHAPPENED. OR ELSE... SADDED...

[[I wrote this at]]*|6:25 PM|

Thursday, May 1, 2008

[[Mugging through the day...]]

OKay.. 2dae i have OFFICIALLY MUGGED for 3 hrs.. Record. Lol . Seeing like i dun usually mug 1. Bt aniway, only mug textbook. Cant bother to go look for files... Haiz. At night den go find baaaa. Aniway, i doubt tmr will be TOO difficult scince MR chan oledii said that physics will be QUITE easy. history shldnt be to much a prob... Morning went out go see my ansecstors URNS. go mandai, hill and the other 1. Haiz. Forget all the names. Wasnt paying attention aniway. Only know 1 out of the 10 people we went to see urn... all dead b4 i wus born. Lol. Anden plaed CXQ. Points up to 17++ anden. vEri worried abt the CLOCKS. THE CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS. WAAA siehjialat. LOL.

[[I wrote this at]]*|6:32 PM|

[[The Undead]]

Boon Pin
Hsiao Ching
Shaun Lee
Ting Yit
Wee Wei Ming
Xiao Qi

[[To be]]

Not contact (2025)
Not watch (2025)

[[The Story Thus]]

|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012|February 2012|March 2012|April 2012|May 2012|June 2012|July 2012|August 2012|September 2012|October 2012|November 2012|December 2012|January 2013|February 2013|March 2013|April 2013|May 2013|June 2013|July 2013|August 2013|September 2013|October 2013|November 2013|December 2013|January 2014|February 2014|March 2014|April 2014|May 2014|June 2014|July 2014|August 2014|September 2014|October 2014|November 2014|December 2014|January 2015|February 2015|March 2015|April 2015|May 2015|June 2015|July 2015|August 2015|September 2015|October 2015|November 2015|December 2015|January 2016|February 2016|March 2016|April 2016|May 2016|June 2016|July 2016|August 2016|September 2016|October 2016|November 2016|December 2016|January 2017|February 2017|March 2017|April 2017|May 2017|June 2017|July 2017|August 2017|September 2017|October 2017|November 2017|December 2017|January 2018|February 2018|March 2018|April 2018|May 2018|June 2018|July 2018|August 2018|September 2018|October 2018|November 2018|December 2018|January 2019|February 2019|March 2019|April 2019|May 2019|June 2019|July 2019|August 2019|September 2019|October 2019|November 2019|December 2019|January 2020|February 2020|March 2020|April 2020|May 2020|June 2020|July 2020|August 2020|September 2020|October 2020|November 2020|December 2020|January 2021|February 2021|March 2021|April 2021|May 2021|June 2021|July 2021|August 2021|September 2021|October 2021|November 2021|December 2021|January 2022|February 2022|March 2022|April 2022|May 2022|June 2022|July 2022|August 2022|September 2022|October 2022|November 2022|December 2022|January 2023|February 2023|March 2023|April 2023|May 2023|June 2023|July 2023|August 2023|September 2023|October 2023|November 2023|December 2023|January 2024|February 2024|March 2024|April 2024|May 2024|June 2024|July 2024|August 2024|September 2024|October 2024|November 2024|December 2024|January 2025|February 2025

[[The Talk (also silent)]]

[[The Ancients]]

The /ksl
Nich Lam
Nich lim
Ying Xuan
Yong Jian
Zhi Ling
