What ought?
heyhEyhEYHEY peeps. This weekend is shitbagy, posby. I cant summon the willpower to control myself to DO HOMEWORk. Wtf. Well, i did tition hmwk and abit abit abit sch. BT NEED TO DO MORE SCh. wtf. if nt im dead. cumon.... (smack head)
Brief preview of the day before we go onto more insightful stuff. Yea so weds was synthesis rehearsal. If u didnt know, i am a runner. with joseph . we 2 r supposed to follow lynette around. and help out with whateva saikang stuff. THroughout the day, it included. Opening the door. Getting scolded when the door is opened too loudly. Checking the food. Counting the amount of utensils to put into the food. Run around and tell people msg like tchr supposed to be on backstage at wat wat wat. RUn to the lobby and dno check what thing. Help the ncc ppl. LOAd stuff, unload stuff. and guide ppl to toilet and stuff. Pretty cool uh? in my opinion, we did the most stuff. well, everyone thinks that way. but we rly did alot. so we deserve abit. bt we gt nth. cos we were holding open the door while the rest of the ncc went on stage. zai rite? Haiz. bt xinthesis was a good experience. made quite a number of friends. most of the time was spent with joseph and lynette( idk how to spell). OKAY. ENd of xinthesis.
O and BTw. i havent done holiday A maf, English, Egeog and bio and... wtf. Emaf too.
Now, for the insightful part. 2dae had ncc btw. fazly is mad. he senengroshi wesley, rantoot and loads more. lolz.
NOW>...>>>>> for the moremore more meaningful part. We shall discuss abt a thing very important in teenage life. >>> enemies or i like to call them>>> fallen friends. cos u cant be enemies without being friends before. FINE that does not include qian bian ppl that u hate at first sight.
What the bible has to say about this: Love for Enemies 43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
In case u r not biblical, i will use another simpler term that i think can be found somewhere in my memory which i have read frm the bible it goes roughly to the effect. Love your enemies. Anyone can love a person that does good or loves you. But if you do good onto an enemy which hates and probably harms you, you will sth like heap burning coals down his neck. (need confirmation...)
It is that simple. Anyone can be friendly with someone who is friendly to you. But if you are friendly to someone who is hostile to you, u gain higher merit and he will get his judgement or sth.
This is what i am trying to do although i think im failing miserably in. D:
Today is xinthesis full dress rehersal as well as performance. Yesterday was some half dress rehersal. Meaning i have not attended lessons for 2 days. Made afew new friends. As u can see, its damn late now. Details tmr.
According to biology professor Dr Scott Minnich,1 the evolutionist researcher Dr Richard Lenski bred bacteria for more than 20,000 generations with all sorts of selective environments in the hope of getting a spontaneous increase in complexity—i.e. real evolution in the lab. He showed that they adapted to their environment, but the experiment failed to demonstrate the emergence of true novelty or spontaneous complexity. The bacteria were not only still bacteria, they were the same types of bacteria. So, says Minnich, he decided to work on digital organisms instead—computer simulations, which gave him the result he wanted in 15,000 generations. The lesson is clear: the real world of biology is very different from the carefully set up and manipulated world of electronic on-screen simulations.
AND THAT REMINDS Me, THE EARTH IS NOT 4 BILLION YEARS OLD. THE UNIVERSE IS NOT 10 billion years old. DINOSAURS DID NOT SURVIVE until 65 MILLION YEARS AGO. Go to www.creationontheweb.com to find out more. XD. THE DATINGS ARE CRAPSHIT. bleah. THEY CHANGE THE DATINGS TO SUit THEIR thinking. EVOLUTION IS NOT PROVEN. INFACT, its DISPROVEn. I DK WHy isit in encyclopedias and CHINA TExtbooks. BLAH. ISIT PROVEN THAT THE earth is 4 billion years old? THE datings of fossils and rocks are crapshit. MAN CHANGES them, to suit what they believe. FOR EXAMPLE. IF I GAVE HIM A CHICKEN WING. THAT I JUST ATE. LAST YEAR. AND he believed that it came from a prehistoric crap that lived during the dinosaurs. ANd he does a test. And it says that it is 2-3 million years old. HE REJECTS THE ANSWER. giving the reason that it has been contaminated. HE THEN goes on to do ANOTHER METHOD. And if it gives him a 70 million age, he will HAPPILY accept the darn age and say: IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY dated to be 70 million. This is because, it collaborates with what he THINKS. therefore, scientifically dated= what the dater thinks. STUPID
Hi beeps. yesterday din post. My mom just went to china 2dae. she will b at kun ming for like 10 days. doing church work, helping to build a kitchen for a school. sth liddat. and, yesterday was just usual. the exhiliration is gone, and its back to boring old school life. sometimes, i wish that i could just stop playing, stop schooling and do like good deeds like being a missionary for the rest of my life. after all what is the purpose? and my eye pain is back. as with the dunno inexplicable 'zhong' on my right arm. it hurts like shit whenever it is touched. STILL Trying to find der darn meening of life. shall post what i found
MAn wants- attention, praise and people envying him/her. I want- attention, praise and people envying me as well as others such as a good friends... etc. Im nt much different. We are living to do what we want. we are given a choice. God gave us a choice. God wants us to use this life to 'glorify' him. And to do that, we are to ... im nt sure. going to find out and post in the neext post.
Looking forward 2 tmr when the sch reopens and can meet all my old sec1,2 friends, new sec 3 friends and newer beijing trip friends. think im mad. o level chinese oral gonna start soon. and im so not prepared. reading is fine. the conver just sucks. according to the teacher, i just have no content. bleargh. 2dae had church. i wasnt sleeping, i was just paying attention with my eyes closed throughout sermon. and the youth whateva combined crap just sucked. i wasnt even paeing attention. only fun part is racing my father to find the bible verse the moment uncle mark sez that. after that is tennis. v fun derhs. bryan is having tuition again and therefore did not come down again. v tiring 2dae. then ate coffee shop. den went home.
Thurday was a Damn STupid DAy. I was doing some... stupid stuff. and homework. 2dae went out with the hgp ppl. have shi hui. shaun( hes very tall), brian, NS, istar, benjamin, me and... NOBODY else. bleah that was lame. I left Maths hmwk. nt yet do. Going to do tonite. The movie that we watched , was shity. full of people commiting sucide. Damn gory. I hate gory movies. dumb . I shld have insisted on hulk. Bleah. SHi hui say hulk so boring in the end close eye half the movie. Bleah. Sucks. No story line, no SENSE.
Sleeping time. Tmr then do hmwk. went to watch movie. Kungfu panda. It was only ok ok dunno why so much hype abt it. Hmwk mani mani arh...
Yay im going out tmr with tha beijing peeps to watch movie. i think its kunfu panda. It will b the first time i go out in the holidays ... And i going again on fri with hgp peeps. At last got stuff to do... 2dae was a chionging hmwk day. Great day. i did the eng compo, completed the chi 10 page stuff and did the e geog research. Aiming to do the other part of chinese b4 2nite.
I cant TALK to my mom. It's not because she is not at home neither is it because we are not on talking terms, having a cold war. We talk(selfcontridictary) but not meaningful conversations. I shall quote to you the last 5 sentences she spoke to me. 1. Put properly the cloth.( i did not cover the cloth over the box 2. Nic, there is something at the staircase i need you take 4 me. 3. What time you want your additional tuition? 4. Have you done your homework? No? Then why are you on the comp? 5. Eat your supplements. If not how to grow? 6. Go down take the ringing handphone for me. 7. What is the chess tchr number? (I dno) Go check! (I ltr den go) Go help me save the number now...8. You get the idea. While my maths may not be excatly precise, you get the idea do you not? All she says to me, are either direct "orders" or questions that i do not wish to answer, or questions that give a one word reply. Does this happen in other families?
Went to sch for oral practice. my reading 'still can'. but the conver suck like shit. Nvm. Then went to hg mall. and the libary. Lately like going to libary. Went to read a book . Read until 2+ go home eat. Anden, usual lor. Comp lor. I gng out on weds and fri. Yay
Time flies. Only yesterday i was still in punggol kindergarden. Only 22 hrs ago i transferred to the kindergarden near 629. I rmb trying to find new friends. Only 20 hrs ago i joined hougang as the poineer batch. Remember taking the school bus. With quan sheng and quan hua. The ah kao. And darren, and his brotther jeffery the pokemon card dealer. lolx. And then, attacking edmund on the school bus. anden macoli. And the pokemon game. And the fighting of who be what gym leader. Seems so distant. Still remember the quarrel over faint attack and fire spin. and alvin. who knows where he has gone... and the teng hong. haha. recollections. sad. ness.
School hols r almost over sucks. I only have 1 week of holidays, due to sth called church camp. I dled rise of nations thrones and patriots. trial version. quite fun. until i found out its quite hard. ok. so im not playing easiest anymore, but easy should still be easy right? other wise it wouldnt be called easy. just shows how lousy i am at it after like 5 years. of not playing. Holiday homework. I havent done. Keep on pushing it furthur. and furthur. and furthur. later. like dam DELAY. haiz. going to have to face upto it somehow... soon...
Man... as in man. the thing man wants most in life. is not money. but is to hear someone say wow he is rich. for other people to be jealous. for an ego massage. /a person buys a car not for the car. for people to say how i wish i had your car.
Stupid man. if only we knew how to united and work together to achieve our dreams...
added a song... hope it works
how can it be that i still feel lonely when my house is full of people? how can it be that i am feeling sad when it is the holidays? how can it be that i am playing until i am bored? tell me why
For my 100th post, im going to post something meaningful. about life. Friendships. A very sensitive subject. I am going to use a few examples from my life. A friendship is when two people get together and call themselves friends. A lasting friendship is very hard to get. I have expected lasting friendship with many people and only seen us drift apart as we try to forge our own way through life. When I was in P1, there was this group of friends i had. as long as we were in the same class, we were still good friends. however, at the p4 streaming, we got seperated. as in half the group was still with me, the other half was in other classes. We grew apart. up till now, i still have not contacted my group of 4 for like 4 years. very sad. why must we build up friendships to see them slowly but surely get stretched and grow thinner as we drift away. I remember my p3 group. Javier, Teng Hong, another guy and me. We four were VERY close. Even at p3 we already had a treating system which was done like every day after recess. Javier would usually treat then me, then the other guy. I can still remember Teng Hong's refusal to treat the rest of us due to his lack of pocket money. (4 dollars is alot when u are in p3). and our teasing of him. Me, javier and teng hong were already friends frm p1 and p2. It seemed at that point that our friendship would last forever. However, at the start of p4, javier transffered to pasiris or ang mo kio. I still remember being sad at that time. And at p5, teng hong went into Em1. Now i know next to nothing about the last guy, and i only know that javier is in st hilda's chess team and teng hong is aanderson. Sad uh? When u think about it. Joshua too, i was very close to him when it was p4, when he just came. Saw him as a replacement for Javier. I went to his hse every week. Still remember feeding the dog our chicken bones. But at p5, he went to join the scoccer team. And we drifted apart. As he found his new group of friends. We talked lesser and lesser. Now, he is in tanjong katong scoccer team. And frm what i gather, he is quite popular. And istar. He had been my class mate frm p1 to p6. we were very good friends. i went to two of his birthday parties. But then, now our only form of contact is through msn. Sad. And my Sec 1 friends. Jiayi, Bryan, Lester, Michael, Wesley, Zhanpenk, Sean, NS, and others. Apart from the occasional hello, there is nothing else. Sad. When we bump into each other on the corridor it is just hello. When i think the things that we talked about just 6 months ago, i feel very sad. And darren, special case. he is in the same class as me, sitting within disturbing distance of me. but we still have drifted apart. I have found a new group of friends. and darren is changing too. We talk to each other lesser, go home together lesser, spend lesser time together lesser. Sad. Jia yi too, last time we talked about everything, from dota to chess. Now we still talk about dota to chess, but the time has changed. Last time it was frm morning assembly to going home. Now, it is BEFORE morning assembly. sad. Wesley, we already drifted apart till a almost enemy stage before sec 2 ended. But, i think now this friendship is in a stage of repairing. Lester, just a few jokes. Bryan, a few words together with the hi. Another special case. Michael. Erh, i hope he wouldnt mind me saying this out. I am very proud of my friendship with michael. From sec 1 till sec 2, we were just friends, not close, not enemy. But, during the project work, i was partnering him. We were supposed to invent something. and we had different opinions on what to do. We argued, quarreled, even insulted each other. I feel at that time both of us were too egoistic and stubborn and full of pride. I was even if he wasnt. There was a time that i was scheming on how to 'sabo' him. But, after the project work was over, through lots of time and through darren being mediator, we have managed to become much better friends than we were before. Just that now... we are in different classes and are drifting... Sean, a very fun guy to be with. I keep on strangling him. its like this scince p5. Very fun. and he will ' Nic khaw dont play lar'. A very good friend. But drifting still nonetheless... Saddening. I predict in the future, i will be lamenting over the rest of my ncc mates and my present 302 class. I have foudn out that you cant get new friends without losing old ones. It is a vicious cycle that none can escape from.
Okay, im back. Except for the two darn long posts abt beijing, i have been inactive during the hols due to me being overseas. First, beijing cannot acess blogspot, second, malaysia can acess blogspot on first day on second day dunno wat the hell happened to the IE. and SHIT i cant remember a darn thing abt the schedule in beijing after that church camp. DARNIT. And i was like so looking forward to it... and i didnt get to play bmt with the old 203 peeps cos i was in CHURCH CAMp. DANRIT. RETARDED camp.
Day 8- morning wake up eat bkfast then ji he at ta ting in xiao zhu. We were going to climb great wall. I wush like quite cold cos still abit abit abit feverish. Den cold lor. Den go bus. Den reach great wall. then got briefed at the foot then started to climb. Me, bryan, lester and mr tan did a retarded bet. say who can complete it without wearing jacket. Damn retarded. i shivering there without jacket. bt then climb abit ok lerhs. cos the body what metabolism rate increases and then more heat is produced. in tha end, everyone lagged behind. As in behind us. Anden, bryan was like panting like shit. Then climb climb climb. The steps were darn uneven. like first step is one brick high next step is 3 brick high and so on... so i din climb 2 steps a time. scince the steps were too high. so 1 by 1 lor. slowly 1 by 1 until the top lor. anden at the top got this temple. which is empty. and behind the temple have another short stretch of wall leading to a dead end. so went there and take photo. photo. photo. Took many photo with lester and bryan and tha rest. then, bryan and lester went down singing. then i also follo them. at the temple there i saw the sec 1. then i pei him up. anden he oso start taking photo. foto. and took alot alot. then went down. SLOWLY. slower then went up. cos while the way up is more energy consuming, the way down is perilous. Slowly... went down. then bought souveniour. sry i mean got scammed souveniour. I wasted 5 yuan bryan wasted 10. haha. then he went into a rage. saying why he always tio scammed. started bashing lester. lester very angry. but ren. and ren. and ren. and EXPLODED, he went into a rage and started scolding vulgarities and hurling punches and kicks at bryan bryan was hit so hard that he had a blue black eye and leg almost broken, lester was restrained by the teachers before being sent to the police post for assault. Okay, so the above sentence was what would happen if lester did not ren... but he did. sianz, no explosion to see. XD. OH AND DID I MeNTION that i found out that our raffles cup C team got 9th? and that my spec course had just started after the homestay? and that jocelyn wanted to push bryan off the great wall? then had lunch. at some restaurant. and went to some museum i suppose. i nt sure. then walk walk walk walk. i do NOT remb the rest. sianz. after malaysia then try to read other ppl blog to rmb bahs.
Intro- This post is gonna be retardly long cos it is gonna be a single post which encompassess tha 13 days that i did not post. And, its gonna be retardly stupid too. Cos im gonna write as if i am blogging normally. Which i aernt. cos im suffering frm sleep deprievation. And, I am gonna like list down the stuff in sequence and.. and... and... (nagging for the next 100 lines deleted cosh.... cosh... cosh...)
Day 1- I blogged in tha morning, tha post which the legendary mid year cheongster which is now a sgt did not read before stating that my blog was dead. AT the airport, i saw tha rest. Eye almost pop out. All their luggage lyke so big. especially lester. its like NK mass/ Nk luggage mass = bryan mass/ bryan luggage mass= lester mass/ lester luggage mass.... Continued. Meaning, BIG people, have big luggage. Took a few group photos. Which i will attempt to post on friday, if im not dead yet... (did i mention that i am going to malaysia and my blog is gonna hibernate for the next 5 days AGAIN?) okay, back to the group photos. That was after the check in. therefore, we went to tha inside. and they sorta briefed us. and then we went on the plane. plane= normal plane ride. just that it does not have much inflight entertainment. Food wush some crab that i forgot after like 12 days... Stopped over at bankok. Walked around. Sat wif mr tan + sec 1s plus boys + some girls. And i think... had a coffee bah. nt very sure. Den went back on plane. bangkok to beijing is longer than sing to bangkok. had beef + rice for dinner on the plane. quite nice. slept.
Day 2- touched down at beijing. did tha 'normal airport touchdown stuff' which includes fishing ur luggage out and dragging it forever. I found out that my luggage the built in number lock was shattered. probably due to their throwing of baggage in and outta planes. slept on the bus. the tourguide was like talking non stop. and i was like listening to mushic and trying to sleep. reached hostel. Sleeped. Again. This day was like a pure sleep day. due to jet lag. then they came out and like briefed us. i THINK we went to bei xiao, the rly big other side of the school. it was more mordern as in it has more facilities. the teacher gave us a briefing on tha school. and asked afew questions. One of the qns. Teacher: how many people were there at the start of the school?
wah... like they expect us to remember that small little figure at one corner of the powerpoint... AND, according 2 them, nanyang girls and hwa chong could answer the question. FOR ALL I CARE -.- .. anws we were like zombified during tha entire thing. toured around the sch and some girls bought some books. and went back to sleep. hostel was great. 4 single beds. loadsa space. i jumped on lester's bed.
Day 3- had bkfst in the hostel erh erh erh shall i call it canteen? perhaps buffet eating area would be more appropriate. mainly cos they cant buy food or choose what they want to eat. Talk abt human rights.... and, anw the food was okay, but the veggie to meat ratio sucked like 3:1 made a few friends, particularly a sec 1 named tay kai wen which bryan has laballed a parrot. Bryan: Haiz, i very sleepy KW: u sleepy arh? Bryan: *stunn* Me: I full alrdy KW: so fast full already? -.- tha breakfast was at 7.15 a.m. Which is the same for all the other days. okay, then, went to lesson. sat beside a person called rong nan. He like shared the text book and stuff with me throughout the day until 12.15. made a few friends particularly the girl sitting beside me and the slightly plump and short boy sitting on the other side of rong nan. Lessons were okay. their english ish quite cmi, bt theres hope... their maths was done in chinese. as in: x fang jian 4 den yu 0. x fang jian er fang den yu 0. (x jian 2) (x jia 2) deng yu 0. ran hou x1= 2 huo x2= -2. LIKE IN COOL LARHs. i forgot what i did for the rest of the day -.- will edit once i find out. Okay, i found out. we went to the kang ri ji nian guan which is like just a boring museum which i did not pay much attention to. nontheless, i learnt alot ... like cultural and developement^^ Fictional Kw: u RLY LEARNt alot ? Me: nope. i was lying.
Day 4- same as day 3 other than the fact that rong nan was absent and that another guy sat beside me. in my opinion, he was friendlier. new addition would be the P.E lessons. they start with some lame shit warm up. after that, they played basket ball. their basket ball is like damn pro. btr den singapores. especially lester's buddy. he was in my team. I did not do much. shot 2 time, both miss. At least no airball... got 2 rebound^^. lester did not touch the ball except for a shot that was dam sengeh. bryan scored and stole a ball frm me. if im nt wrong. probably got a rebound too. Afternoon,is zhuan xiu ke. had english (letter writing), maths (indices) and physics (heat transfer). Me during english 0.0 maths: 0.- physics >.- WASH TRYING TO stay awake after my attention span was' exhaustred'. had dinner and slept with loadsa songs and singing. O btw, we sing EVERY DAY. its great. try asking wei sze, jia yun, jocelyn or vanessa. their hostel is beside us. I forgot the other subjects but its rly interesting to study shu xue and wu li and shen wu. BUT their chinese lesson sucked worse than ours. nt that ours sucked. just that it was damn difficult. one try and was like gone case lerhs.oh and if im nt wrong, we washed our clothes on this day or day 5.
Day 5= day4 zhuan xiu ke cept that theres abit different in concepts but subjects still same. playing basket ball. Wootz. Rong nan was back. i made a mask for him. with like dunno what hair. I cannot finish the mask during yi shu ke and carried on doing it in english. whcih was dam boring... and got telled offed by ms kuck. During the P.E, my buddy, anxinbai, found me, and , told me, to go with him. Therefore, i changed from 203-204 and joined priscilla, ying xuan,wei sze, kai wei and mr tan. My buddy brought me home. in his mother's car. as in my buddy's mother brought us home. I had my own room. SHIVERED lyke hell at night. thought i was sick. Slept peacefulllly until...
Day 6 at buddy's hse. e buddied. with wei sze during the morning. I also played table tennis and pool during the morning. as in i did that in his house. woot. his hse has a private CARPARk. and basement with pool and table tennis and basket ball and scoccer ball and badminton and punching bag... and my room is on the second storey, as is the computer. In the afternoon, the father and mother i.e parents, took us out to tian an men and the surround places. took alot of photos. and walk and walked. my buddy got tired. so in the end did not go inside that 'durian'. Drank peach juice. 3 yuan. dirt cheap. SLEPT. WAIT. BEfore i slept i chatted on e buddy again. V interesting convers. OH AND Did i mention i managed to win them all in chinese chess? ^^. actually nth big... they hab no training. if i lose then is big problem.
Day 7. still at buddy hse. morning is like just table tennis plus comp. n64 is a (lf2+maple)/2 game. my buddy is crazy over it. even though it has only 8 characters.(worse than lf2) and is shitty 2d like maple. nvm its tahanable. scince he doesnt have dota. which the rest have. XUE TE. and i CANT play dota today. as in TODAY. THE DAY I am posting. DAMITDAMITDAMit. okay, so scince the amusement park plan with ying xuan and her buddy was scrapped due to my buddy's parents being dan xin that he and me might get lost. my buddy's mom was out therefore, no where to go. sian tiao... Just before lunch, me and my buddy. cycled out to the supermarket, to buy stuff. bought present for bryan and dad. both are vcds. and bought pen for every one. and bought chi de. which was all my buddy bought. costs 94 yuan in the end.chiip chiip. his friend came and we table tennised and spammed table tennis balls and any how throw them around the hse. Also played hide and seek. pretty lame. as well as n 64. and was afk the entire afternoon until abt 9+when i came back frm swimming. orh and we went to swim in their xiao cun swimming pool lor. v fun. plaed monkey with another sec 1 guy. pretty retarded.
Day 8. i woke up at 6.30 on day 8, 5.30 on day 7 and 4.30 on day 6. i went back to sch. then rushed for time to go to bei da. okay bei da. saw them say their stuff abt what ching hua and bei da. and like talk talk. took abit of photos. tour around. dno do wat... then went to tian tan, took many many picture. shouted at that stupid circle. took photo. and photo. and photo. and zi pai. sho funz. then walk walk walk walk. Then the pottery shop and then the olympic shop. i bought some lame 3s$ ang bao. DORTz. dumb dumb dumb. Saw this 880000 yuan vase. break must sell hse de... anden went to lao she char guan for their performance... performance... got pian lian and wushu and 1 person talk 1 person act and wayang. sianz. The pian lian was good. the wushu was good the 1 person talk 1 person act was good and the tea was ok. i.e day 8 is okay.
TOO TIREd. Tmr then complete bahhs. That is before going to malaysia...zzz
[[To be]]
[[The Story Thus]]
|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012|February 2012|March 2012|April 2012|May 2012|June 2012|July 2012|August 2012|September 2012|October 2012|November 2012|December 2012|January 2013|February 2013|March 2013|April 2013|May 2013|June 2013|July 2013|August 2013|September 2013|October 2013|November 2013|December 2013|January 2014|February 2014|March 2014|April 2014|May 2014|June 2014|July 2014|August 2014|September 2014|October 2014|November 2014|December 2014|January 2015|February 2015|March 2015|April 2015|May 2015|June 2015|July 2015|August 2015|September 2015|October 2015|November 2015|December 2015|January 2016|February 2016|March 2016|April 2016|May 2016|June 2016|July 2016|August 2016|September 2016|October 2016|November 2016|December 2016|January 2017|February 2017|March 2017|April 2017|May 2017|June 2017|July 2017|August 2017|September 2017|October 2017|November 2017|December 2017|January 2018|February 2018|March 2018|April 2018|May 2018|June 2018|July 2018|August 2018|September 2018|October 2018|November 2018|December 2018|January 2019|February 2019|March 2019|April 2019|May 2019|June 2019|July 2019|August 2019|September 2019|October 2019|November 2019|December 2019|January 2020|February 2020|March 2020|April 2020|May 2020|June 2020|July 2020|August 2020|September 2020|October 2020|November 2020|December 2020|January 2021|February 2021|March 2021|April 2021|May 2021|June 2021|July 2021|August 2021|September 2021|October 2021|November 2021|December 2021|January 2022|February 2022|March 2022|April 2022|May 2022|June 2022|July 2022|August 2022|September 2022|October 2022|November 2022|December 2022|January 2023|February 2023|March 2023|April 2023|May 2023|June 2023|July 2023|August 2023|September 2023|October 2023|November 2023|December 2023|January 2024|February 2024|March 2024|April 2024|May 2024|June 2024|July 2024|August 2024|September 2024|October 2024|November 2024|December 2024|January 2025|February 2025
[[The Talk (also silent)]]
[[The Ancients]]