What ought?
Shutting down for abt 1 week cos i need to catch up on ALOT OF homework. like i just caught up on E maths and SS. now theres ONLY E geo, A maths(2 exercise), History, english, erh... mother tongue and... yea like bio and physics tys and chem book. So its like. Im going to be busy. HOWEVER, I also need to find time for recreation. like playing dota and lf2. Seriously LF2 JUST RAWKZ.
Yesterday is wednesday. today is thursday! Yay!. yersterday did NCC. YAy. I took training! YAY! Training was Fun! YAy!. Pt ! YAY! SCOCCEr ! YAY! so FUN! YAY! no DRILLS! YAY! 5.05 dismiss ! YAy! go home! Yay! Sleepy! Go SLEEP! YAY! thats all., today, chess ! Yay! 2 ppl nvr come!ShIT ! arthus got come! Shit! Kevin oso got come! -.-
2 day emath test sucked to the core. It sucked worse than shit and you cant suck much more worse than shit before you hit the suckiest shit status. Lol. The test was fagging hard. I can do qns 1,2,4. dunno how to do 3,5. wtf 3 need trigo. AND HE SAID NO TRIGO. FTW. And i DIDNT USE TRIGO. COS HE SAID SO. WALAN. SO DAMN STUPID. and then QNS 5, MS ANNIE YEO SOLVED IT ON THE BOARD WITHOUT usING HALF A BRAIN. And, i wasted 20 mins inventing some crap fomula cos i obviously DIDNT STUDY. LMAO. The EMATHS TEST was EBEN HARDER than the MATHS OLYMPIAd. Which i sorta din notice was on the white board and needed julian 's lucky reminder to ATTEND otherwise i WOULDA wasted ALL The money, I have spent in the darn MATHS OLYM. zzz. Still, the maths olym was quite easy. How many digits does 10.5^47 have? that is the hardest qns. if u THINK you know the answer... ur Either FRAGGING Smart or dumb
Times change so fast. I was so afraid of not doing my homework last time. Now not doing homework is a daily affair. I was so scared of my parents scolding last time. Now, i dont care. I was so afraid of my results going down last time. Now, fail fail la, I have changed, for the worse. Gotta stop this from taking over my life. Just when today i wanted to do the stupid gong han, to try and do hoemwork, i cant find my damn gao zi. In the end got so pissed with not finding my gao zi. and pick an argument with my parents. I play computer not bcos im addicted. Computer is like drugs. Im running away. Running away from reality. In those few hours i can escape from reality, from the troubles of life, from the constant excuse making. Its like drugs, when my parents try to ban me, i feel cold turkey. when i try to change for the better, satan makes things damn hard for me. like taking my gao zi, which has lead me to the point of almost exploding in EXPARATION.
I am so young and I already think life is MEANINGLESS. Yea it is. Except for running around trying to impress people. To try and feel happy, to mask the true inner feelings. Yet after a long day, All is empty. I just re-found out that I cant be a PS. Platoon Seargant. The rank i wanted to be. That is because, i did not attend the specialist course and went to beijing instead. Given the choice, i would still go to beijing. Cos beijing bicultural immersion 08 rawkz. zzz. Bt, still abit bu gan xin that my cca would be so much harder. Now that it is impposible to be a PS, i dont know what i want to be. I dont wanna be an APS cos i dun wanna be assistant, and i dont want to be in any other department as well. Haiz. Now people think that it is gonna be an uphill task for me to get into APS even.Zzz. oh well, shall work to getting APS.
I am petty and I am a.. selective perfectionist.
If only people were not jealous. nor self centered. the world would be close to perfect. we would be living in an utopia. A place where no crime would occur. where everyone would put others infront of himself. there would be no petty vendors, trying to scam people, but the pricing would be just good enough for him/her to make a living. and people who are rich will be generous with their tipping. and the people in the community will be having as much money as each other. people will be helping each other. people will be understanding. there will be trust between strangers.
Selfishness. Is the WORST thing. that has happened, to humankind. shall elaborate soon
The power of the mind. The mind, is terrifically powerfull. It can cause u to be powerful too. It is all in the mind.
I will promise myself. To. Be contended. In most of the things. And try not to be jealous. Jealousy is very bad. Most of my problems are caused by my jealousy scince i dont count myself as very selfish. All problems stem frm the heart. And there are only two ways to corrupt the heart- jealousy and self centeredness (selfishness). All crimes are due to this two bad values.
My problems are more inclined towards jealousy. I think. Jealousy is worse than self centeredness. self centeredness, everyone has. Everyone thinks of him/herself before others. Im sure of that. However, some people are contented and are not jealous. Some people, on the other hand, are creatures with green eyes- like me. Im trying to point out my own flaws in an effort to correct them. I am jealous, mostly, is not because of material goods. I am jealous of other things. Like talent for example, singing, talking. etc. I am very jealous of somoene's good voice this jealousy has burnt a bridge of friendship as i thought he was act when in fact i was just jealous of his sociable wai mao. Another thing that i am jealous about - taller people. ZZz. When i was young, i didnt mind being short. Bt now, its not exacatly very fun to have people (especially in ccas) thinking that you are not up to it just due to your smaller stature. Neverminds, im growing.
and soon, FADex will be the shortest guy in class. MUAHAHA
LF2 is seriously the best game in the centuary. better than warcraft or whatever shit. LF2 is imba. Whao. im addicted to lf2ing. coolz. as in lf2 not reinforced. reinforced is crap. all the original combos are gone.my fave combo is woody def+up+atk then right/left+atk. imba combo. another one is woody def+down+jump then def+up+atk then def+left/right jump or right/left atk. COolz. Davis is eben cooler
Sad... 2dae running. WAnted to run. Was not able to. Due to some stupid shit stuff. like either zaidi did not write down name. or some other person forgot to transfer name over. stupid adminstrative shit. then mr gabriel tay oso dun let me sub other ppl. FTW la. Go and head bang manz.
Got tuition 2 do. Nt interested to do. WAiting for sum1 to be online. Even thou i know...
tmr is my chinese O level Oral which i have been dreading scince the start of the year. Nt that i did much to prepare for it. Damned frightened. Especially with me being pratically the last person to get tested. Well... at least in front of me isnt chinese scholars which will make such a good impression on the teacher until the teacher look at wat i say and give me a F. Damned frightened. scared.
Finally there is a parting in the clouds. I can see light once more! i can see the light in the distance of the tunnel. A little speck growing bigger and bigger with each step I take. But there are still obstacles to overcome. starting with the oral. It is the gigantic boulder that is refusing to budge. only hard work will over come it. hardwork and determination will be like a dynamite. Full of explosive power to blast the boulder into thousands of small, weak, pieces. I can do it! and btw oral is....
I believe everyone when is at the really 'trying his/her best' stage is imba in whatever he/her does. just that i cant get into the trying my best stage. Cos ...
Sp is screwd. because of me. I blame julian. bt the fault is actually mine. haish. Darnit. Need to learn how to block out stupid stuff frm my brain.
THE STORY: Third match. Vs RV C! wtf shit team. SCENE 1: THe beginning of the match. opening i pwning. Scene 2: I duo zi. Scene 3: Julian give away free ju in the dumbest fashion ever. I get very angry. Cos i told him BEFORE the game to like think 1 min before a move. Cannot concentrate. keep on thinking on wanting to scold him (in the end scold myself for being dumber). Scene 4: my ma got zhua si accidentaly cos i CANT THINK. Scene5: Yorkhao wins. I feel abit btr. Scen 5: i zhua si his ma. Duo zi again. On the track to victory. Scene 6: I let him REVERSE a stupid move as in he touch bing carry up den say dont want move... If he move that i win alrdy. Scene 6: julian dies a terrible death after being killed horribly. Scene 7: Im moving aimlessly. Scene 8: ltr will get a picture
I have resolved to do my best in NCC and heck abt ppl saying anth abt me. I have resolved to try my best to get a good position in my cca instead of whining abt why i am not a spec. i am gonna be super duper enthu for the next month at least in ncc. that is a promise. cos i cant stand being a failure in cca when many others own in cca but suck in other places. cca is ur family. like your class. and you cant have long time disputes within it. therefore, i will also try to clear up any misunderstandings there might be. Lastly, today is singapore poly BOW. I bet we will get pwned.
Hahaz i hope not still... but still... NOOOO we will pwn them cos with a positive mindset we will own their asses.
Ccas are very important to the secondary school student. I see all my classmates and friends excelling in their cca. And i in the mirror and what do i see? a failure. WEll. it is better than wushu. Which was basically the suckiest Cca that i have ever been into. In case you didnt know, i was like the "lousiest" person in wushu in the history of hougang primary that has been attending regular practice (i dont pon) for 5 years. I think the tchr like ba jiu pa stem. Maybe it is because that time i was un confident. and afraid of volunteering. BUT. i have very good friends from wushu. In my opinion, all the In charges of ccas I have been in, have pa stemming eyes. and they are biased. dunno isit of fear or isit of appeasement or isit of ... pure SUCKINESS?
Why isit that i cant prove myself to excel in that particular activity? wushu- i nvr miss trng unless gt fever or sth 1. and all the tao lu that i have learnt was like just abit above basics. I still even go for the what stupid extra class-- waste money. and the worst thing- in p5, i was made CANNON FODDER for ya hui to get a gold for our sch. FCUK that. I feel like smacking the tchr in the face la. (on the hindside, i dare to say this cos i have no contact with the tchr animore). WTf sias. 2 people go competition. one person pro. other person me. WALAN. make me go competition to give other people a gold medal? SUCKERS. and trng, make me teach what stupid sec 2 and 3. when u plain know i suck at wushu hw abt teaching ME instead. (k proably getting too absorbed now). Nvms, at least i still have many buddies that i can count on in wushu. Whether it be helping to "ding zui" frm the cheena jiao lian or just slacking tgth when not practicing. Its great. even do WUSHU just sucks. in my opinion. saddening la. When u think of it hors, the only people that have been in wushu (my batch) for as long as me, have all been damn sucess full.and like even ppl like zheng guang only join at p3 get somani gold and i get one freaking bronze. wtf. the tchr just sucks man. say what i nvr put in effort. I DID OKAY? suckers. maebe its bcos im short. bt jian bing oso short wad. haiz... saddening.
Back to the meaning of life. Seeing as i touch on this type of philosphical stuff so often, i think i might as well be a philo student. and i dont really like my cca that much after my platoon m8s get sgt rank i NOT YET. note: it is note yet not will not.
Blah i wont post online the people that i do not think very highly of (nice way of saying dont like (which is a nice way of saying hate)). however, there are traits that i really dislike. I DO admit into having some of them. However, I would like very much to change and am trying my best.
1. Arrogance- well, i see people as cocky and they see me as cocky though i dont know what i am cocky about. If u do u can tell me in a nice polite manner and i will do whatever i can to correct it. 2.Irritatingness- this is the most problamatic trait i have. sometimes, i say hello is nt to irritate, is im being friendly. HOWEVER, i do irritate people especially nlzz, fatex and 2nd sgt eng lin. I am TRYING to stop irritating people subconciously. however, if i take what ever stuff from you, that is on PURPOSE.
3. Noisyness- WEll, people sometimes say i am noisy. If i really am noisy u could at least tell me in a nice tone and i promise nt to be offended unless it is by eng ling. which in that case....
4. self centered ness- I dont think this is too much a problem for me... however, abt the ... ... i got nth to say. I feel self centeredness breeds greediness and selfishness which are two sucking traits.
5. Ignorance- THIS I HATE abt other ppl. THINK im noisy say i am noisy POLITELY dont IGNORE ME. DAMIT. Lin lao peh ka le gong wei mai IGNORE.
hi peeps im back with more anti- evolution stuff. Scince my class has so many evolutionist- jefferson and james. I ripped this frm creation on the web bt i doubt they will mind scince im nt like doing aniting bad using it. This is part of an article abt the stone age. this shows how people can be brain washed. IF you do not like this creationist stuff, feel free to read my own explanation complete with my own examples below. Lolz. Its a second rate stuff cos it came frm my brain.It is in CAPS.
The key thing to realize is that the whole of science operates within a paradigm and the paradigm is basically held together with the story about how everything came to be. That story is essentially assumed to be true.
For the naturalistic paradigm the story begins with the big bang, and then there is astronomical evolution, the formation of the earth 4.6 billion years ago, then geological evolution, chemical evolution, biological evolution, human evolution, cultural evolution etc. That is the story.
Basically the paradigm is a concept, a big idea. All the scientific evidence is interpreted within that view. The paradigm is not proven; it is merely assumed. It is like a huge network of ropes and wires with thousands of people working on it, adding new wires, removing old ones, lengthening others, shortening some, etc. Each researcher works on just their individual bit of the whole network and what they do is constrained by what everyone else is doing.
Realize that there are other ways of looking at the same evidence. The biblical paradigm is held together with the history recorded in the Bible. From the chronogenealogies and other data in the Bible we can build a framework of world history, starting with Creation in six days about 6,000 years ago, followed by the Fall, pre-Flood civilization, the global Flood about 4,500 years ago, the tower of Babel, the post-Flood dispersion, and other post-Flood history. Creationist scientists assume the biblical paradigm as their way of understanding the evidence, assuming this history is accurate.
OK PEEPS. WHETHER U HAVE READ THE EARLIER ARTICLE OR NOT, READ THIS PART. A PARADIGM IS AN IDEA THAT IS NT PROVEN TO BE TRUE, YET IT IS ASSUMED. I WILL GIVE U AN EXAMPLE OF A PARADIGM. IN ANCIENT CHINA, THE KING WAS BELIEVED TO BE THE SON OF GOD. NOBODY CHALLENGED IT. EVERYONE BELIEVED IT. THE ANCIENT CHINESE REVERED THEIR KING, GAVE HIM HONOUR, GAVE HIM GIFTS. ALL BECAUSE HE WAS THE 'SON OF GOD'. IF U WERE LIVING IN ANCIENT CHINA, U WOULD HAVE BEEN TAUGHT TO PAY RESPECTS TO THE 'DRAGON EMPEROR'. YOUR PARENTS BELIEVED IN IT, IT IS STATED IN YOUR TEXTBOOK -- THE EMPEROR IS THE 'SON OF GOD'. DO YOU BELIEVE IT? well, if u were living in ancient china, you would too right? your common sense tells you that if he were the son of god, he would be better looking. but the text book says that, and so do your parents. They even have "proof", the emperor can 'CALL RAIN'. The emperor is able to kill with the stare of his eyes. Sounds convincing? you check with ur common sense. "not possible". But perhaps, you think, just perhaps, he is some immortal being? in that case should we not give him the respect in case he stares at me and i die? and you go about believing it. and you tell your son the same thing... etc.etc. and you even listen to other "proof stories" - he turns into a dragon every full moon. There have been SIGHTINGS of that happening, your friend next door says he saw a gold speck in the sky moving. And you think " WOW conclusive proof". It must be real. and your friends say that a golden scale has been found dropping out of the speck and landing on the ground. the village offical says he saw it. WOW. COOL. IM OVERAWED by it.
Stupid you. Looking at it from our mordern day society, it would be easy for you to say "what a dumb thing" the emperor is just a big headed fa**ot with a big ego. Think about evolution. The fossils that have been found would be like the golden scale. oh yes, the offical says he SAW it with his own eyes. after all, hes paid by the emperor and he believes it, even if a chicken dug it out and it has sat there for like 300 years and had just been uncovered. Chances are that even if he wasnt spinning a yarn. he probably saw a feather floating like over the roof and he ran there and PRESTO he discovered a piece of gold! He goes around parading the "fact" as he believes that there was a dragon. If he doesnt believe that there was a dragon, what would be the outcome lets say he really saw a golden feather drop down from the sky? he probably would pick it up, hide it and tao qio saying "im RICH". The fossils are the same. That world renowned scientist says, it is 300 million years old, i have SCIENTIFICALLY tested it. Oh yes, he saw it with his own eyes , but if he din not THINk that the world was that old, would he have accepted 300 million? he probably would say "its a fluke" and like curse and swear. (read the previous post on dating).
[[To be]]
[[The Story Thus]]
|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012|February 2012|March 2012|April 2012|May 2012|June 2012|July 2012|August 2012|September 2012|October 2012|November 2012|December 2012|January 2013|February 2013|March 2013|April 2013|May 2013|June 2013|July 2013|August 2013|September 2013|October 2013|November 2013|December 2013|January 2014|February 2014|March 2014|April 2014|May 2014|June 2014|July 2014|August 2014|September 2014|October 2014|November 2014|December 2014|January 2015|February 2015|March 2015|April 2015|May 2015|June 2015|July 2015|August 2015|September 2015|October 2015|November 2015|December 2015|January 2016|February 2016|March 2016|April 2016|May 2016|June 2016|July 2016|August 2016|September 2016|October 2016|November 2016|December 2016|January 2017|February 2017|March 2017|April 2017|May 2017|June 2017|July 2017|August 2017|September 2017|October 2017|November 2017|December 2017|January 2018|February 2018|March 2018|April 2018|May 2018|June 2018|July 2018|August 2018|September 2018|October 2018|November 2018|December 2018|January 2019|February 2019|March 2019|April 2019|May 2019|June 2019|July 2019|August 2019|September 2019|October 2019|November 2019|December 2019|January 2020|February 2020|March 2020|April 2020|May 2020|June 2020|July 2020|August 2020|September 2020|October 2020|November 2020|December 2020|January 2021|February 2021|March 2021|April 2021|May 2021|June 2021|July 2021|August 2021|September 2021|October 2021|November 2021|December 2021|January 2022|February 2022|March 2022|April 2022|May 2022|June 2022|July 2022|August 2022|September 2022|October 2022|November 2022|December 2022|January 2023|February 2023|March 2023|April 2023|May 2023|June 2023|July 2023|August 2023|September 2023|October 2023|November 2023|December 2023|January 2024|February 2024|March 2024|April 2024|May 2024|June 2024|July 2024|August 2024|September 2024|October 2024|November 2024|December 2024|January 2025|February 2025
[[The Talk (also silent)]]
[[The Ancients]]