What ought?
Im abt to complete the twilight series =D i hate smiley faces. anw. YEA im completing it at last. and its rly quite good a book. too bad i cant finish breaking dawn in a day. (i did the rest in 1 day each). well... nvm ill finish it in 2 days. besides i didnt have service to read it during. o and i did children talk today.i thought i screwed it up bt some of them said it was good. proally lying. n im proally pessimistic.
EITHERWAYS. rly dno wat on earth is wrong. im thinking abt the somali. dno. i feel there shld b some foriegn intervention. and one of my more radical thought is to conduct a eigodenc. really. someone shld bring them in hand or just blow them back to the stoneage.
I think im rly contented. Much more than you people out there are. I think i havent got an expunsive present the whole of this yr. the laptop was liek the final piece to contentedness. after that i like noneed anth else lei. i duno lei. liek dun have any aims or anth. oso quite bad.
Dont want anth. Dont expect anth. I rather try to get those things that money cant buy. more worthwile. looool. btw my rotting is getting imbaaaaaaalanced
dno why feeling very sad. liek in very very sad. and not just normal sad. it doesnt help with nlzz acting liek a baboon. eitherway. yea so very sad.
i think got some problem in my head... maybe ... ah duno. just very sad.
There is some sort of an interesting... dialouge on my tagbox. hmm. very interesting. i shall add in my views some other day. for the moment, i shallllllll. update my blog. scince i havent update for very long.
Well, I left it at i won 3out of 4 games on saturday. Fers game against some hwachong guy that is nt even from chessclub. no kick. Second game against some people i do not know. oso no kick. rly this 2 games i nvr even think. 3rd game against that RV noops. ZZZ. I think i gt advantage 1 lor. .... den i thought of the correct move. den kei kiang. WTHHH. BIRDSHIT. den die. sadded. 4th game win. oso no kick. dont rly rmb who i killed. Nxt day. 1st game oso win. 2nd game is agnst that derrick frm hwachong. no kick game become got some kick lei. wth. i starting duo zi gong shi. DEN. I DUNNO WAT I DOING. ATTACK GO HOME DEFEND. COs im SCARED OF SOME NOOB MA OF HIS. WAT E HELL!!!. BIrd. In the end died. Then won the nxt game against some nUs high guy. scammed his car. Den. last game against a noober version of the RV NOOPS. Den win. HAHAHAHAAAA. so fun. he move exact same opening as RV NOOPS. after all all RV people all move the same der... den i duno do wat anihow atk. den WIN! YAY! yea. i got 6 pts. got 10th postiion. i got lowest small marks for all the 6 pointers. 6 pts people won 5th to 10th. saying if my small marks is high i might get 6. Yea whaddya expect? ive been telling u i was slaughtering noobs alrdy wad... how to small marks high. in case u dont know small marks i shall explain. We played 8 matches. Right? Each match u have an opponent right? After the 8th match, u get ur final score right? in my case is 6 pts. 6 win 0 draw 2 lose. right? so there are 5 people that also have 6 pts. and u cant put them all together. so, they add together all your opponent's points together, and u get ur small score. Which in my case is damn noob cos ive been pvvning noobs. anw, got 40 dollars and some throphy. the church the ang fuyang got first in the u18 division. WOOTs. Sozai. Anw anw... gng need 2 draft wat stupid chess comp for my sch. nt really optimistic in it leiz... howwwwwwwwwww?
NEXT. aft chess comp went home v sleepy. sleep. sleep. monday and tuesday was spent loafing around. u know. de usual time wasting tatics. that include runescaping with nobody that is so f***ing boring. it was fishing la. looooool pwned ur face.ok. so. o yea got the edusave letter. great. if i cood get it means more than half our class got it. woots. free money leiiiii. aernt u beebs habbi?
And finally, to reply to my good friend MYH's tags. i find the tagbox too small for my replies therefore i shall stuff it into the back of some highly obscure post. your part abt memories is especially interesting. No evolutionist ive encountered has tried to use this excuse or idea. it is an orginal and authentic cool idea. which, however, is wrong still. what is alive?-
1. having life; living; existing; not dead or lifeless.
you are dead aernt you? you already said so. however if u r arguing that memory of u IS ALIVE, lets see... as earlier said being alive = having life. Im sure you have already learnt from your SCIENCE, what defines a living thing. does your memory need water? air? yea this is stupid right? it doesnt even grow. all it does is fade away. memory is like a video. it just fades... you cant add to it. it cant even grow. LAstly, what if those people die too? OKAY. next. erm sth abt die then die lor. and live life to the fullest. What is ur definetion of "live life to the fullest"? if you have no GOALS, what is ur living life to the fullest? isit to earn alot of money? ( which will be gone the moment you die). or isit to do good deeds?( well it shldnt b the case scince u have no religion. unless u are a result of a random process that causes your brain to be charitable or stuff. ) erm. die then die lor. correct wad. everyone lives to die. but after YOu die, frm our perspective you go to hell and we go to heaven. while from YouR perspective you turn to ash and be scattered aroudn the world and EXIST in the memories of others. Right? argh,. u answer my qns fers. im kinda confused by myself atm.
Short update. I had the chess competition ytd. killed 3 nubs lost to one quite pro. today another 4 matches. going to there soon. and my teacher is ignoring me and i think he is telling others to ignore me too. ==. wat shit.
Today had chess training again. nt really focused. Anw. And competition is on saturday. !!!. mite DIE. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. frieghtening.shld can win prize bahh... dun too overconfident and concentrate can alrdy!
Ytd went to kick scoccer. With, Nicholas Siew, his cousin the gideon, wai kit, xi quan, ryan choy anddd johnny. and xiquan's brother which he was very pissed off wat during scoccer. aft that went to play CS at AmK hub lan. Wao. Wai kit pay for mee. 3 dollars. best. den. aft he pay for mee, i went out. den. got lost. duno how to find. the amkhub interchange. as it was raining. and the sheltered walkways are confusing. if nt raining i know how to go. but then i tweak route. then duno wat happened went to a ntuc. den backtrack... den walk around walk around. finally found it! ok. then wait for bus. wait wait wait... den BUs come!. den board the BuS. then press the ezlink. EH! NO SOUND!. FTWWWW. I LET MY EZ LINK AT THE LANSHOP!!!. !@#. wtfshit la. Den RUN BACK. ALMOST GOT LOST AGAIN. but by then the rain stopping. see i got lost until the rain can frm rain until stop. den when the rain is only a drizzle, i found the LANshop. THEY StILL PLAYING. den got my EZlink card. I think the whole episode in which i wasted my time is arnd 1 hr plus there. WASTE OF MY TIME. ten went to watch them. they play finish go home. wao. best.
Abit aching. too long nvr do exercise, rotting, rotting, rotting, rotting. rotten.
Ma-Ya-Hi Ma-Ya-Hu Ma-Ya-Ho Ma-Ya-Ha Ha Ma-Ya-Hi Ma-Ya-Hu Ma-Ya-Ho Ma-Ya-Ha Ha Hello, Salute, it's me, your Duke And I made something that's real To show you how I feel Hello, Hello, it's me Picasso I will paint my words of love With your name on every wall When you leave my colors fade to gray Whoa I whoa I aaaWhoa I whoa I whoa I aaaEvery word of love I used to say Now I paint it everyday I sold my strings, my songs, and dreams And I bought some paints to match the colors of my love Hello, Hello, it's me again, Picasso I will spray my words of my love With your name on every wall When you leave my colors fade to gray Whoa I whoa I aaaWhoa I whoa I whoa I aaaEvery word of love I used to say Now I paint it everyday When you leave my colors fade to gray Hey, little lover stay Or all my colors fade away Every word of love I used to say Now I paint it everyday Ma-Ya-Hi Ma-Ya-Hu Ma-Ya-Ho Ma-Ya-Ha Ha Ma-Ya-Hi Ma-Ya-Hu Ma-Ya-Ho Ma-Ya-Ha Ha Ma-Ya-Hi Ma-Ya-Hu Ma-Ya-Ho Ma-Ya-Ha Ha Ma-Ya-Hi Ma-Ya-Hu Ma-Ya-Ho Ma-Ya-Ha Ha When you leave my colors fade to gray Whoa I whoa I aaaWhoa I whoa I whoa I aaaEvery word of love I used to say Now I paint it everyday When you leave my colors fade to gray Hey, little lover stay Or all my colors fade away Every word of love I used to say Now I paint it everyday
Im crazy abt dragonstea din tei. english version. its imbalanced. i think ytd plus today i listen 9 hrs plus alrdy. waaa. crazy.going pok soon.
Gen 1:26-27
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Gen 2:7
7 the LORD God formed the man [g] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Gen 1:1-2
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was [a] formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
A number of skeptics ask this question. But God by definition is the uncreated creator of the universe, so the question Who created God? is illogical, just like To whom is the bachelor married?
The physical laws of our universe are intrinsic to our universe, but God has Sovereign existence independent/outside this universe that He created. The Law of cause and effect stipulates that for every effect (result), there must be an equal or greater cause, and this applies to everything that has a beginning—to a butterfly, a person and to the universe. But God is eternal. He has no beginning and therefore He needed no cause. There is no requirement that the Creator of our universe and its laws should Himself need a Creator.’
Such is the case below. You state that God doesn’t need a creator, yet you offer no proof of this.
Yes I do. I.e. God is not an effect at all; unlike the universe, He had no beginning in time.
If you believe that some sentient being has to create everything, then there is no way to rationally explain the existence of the alleged creator.
I don’t. I believe that only objects with beginnings need causes, not that everything needs a cause. This was clearly stated in my article.(u need the link to the article?)
Have i replied to all your questions? if u have anymore, i believe u can ask. And to add on to my last point that nobody is perfect. All humans have their shortfalls. Just because of the shortfalls in certain people, there are bound to be disagreements. Note, we do not follow the pope or the church. There are bound to be flaws in these human organisations. You cant point at a christian's mistake and then use it to justify why christianity is flawed. No logic. Liek u cannot say the sucide bombers are acting in the name of islam and therefore islam is flawed. it is deranged. there are bound to be certain crazy people. Btw, hitler's massacre or genocide was due to his evolutionary beliefs. does it proof evolution to be flawed? (even though it is, it is not due to this example. ) :D
Sunday. Usual. Wa. read finish the second book. New moon. there are four books. Twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn. Read twilight and new mon alrdy. And 50 pages of eclipse. When i do not own a book at all. borrowed Twilight and new moon for 1 day each. and read finish in the one day. pro rite?
Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very ...... count dots
btw what does stars and supernovas creating elements gotta do with proof against creation?
just spamming a article cos i have very little knowledge on this...
According to evolutionists, the first chemical elements heavier than hydrogen, helium and lithium formed in nuclear reactions at the centres of the first stars. Later, when these stars exhausted their fuel of hydrogen and helium, they exploded as supernovas, throwing out the heavier elements. These elements, after being transformed in more generations of stars, eventually formed asteroids, moons and planets. But, how did those first stars of hydrogen and helium form? Star formation is perhaps the weakest link in stellar evolution theory and modern big bang cosmology. Especially problematic is the formation of the first stars—Population III stars as they are called.
Evolutionists generally agree that star formation began early after the big bang. Supposedly, the cosmic microwave background originated after some 300,000 years, while the first stars and structure in the universe developed after 1 million to 10 million years.
Forming so early, the first stars would be expected to have red shifts or z numbers > 10 today. Some researchers believe the first stars formed at z = 20 to 30 or greater.1 However, it should be pointed out that astronomers have not yet observed objects with such large red shifts. Evolutionists hope that the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) may be able to find them or at least find fossils (elements formed by the r and s-process2 for example) left behind by these first stars.
The ‘first’ stars
The process of star formation is assumed to begin with molecular gas clouds like those that are currently observed in the galaxies. The process is envisaged to be gradual, slow, and inefficient. However, present day molecular gas clouds have no relevance to the origin of the very first Population III stars because conditions soon after the big bang were greatly different from what exists now.
‘The very first stars to form in a galaxy, called first-generation stars, are pure hydrogen and helium, for almost no elements heavier than helium were formed in the Big Bang … . When some of these extremely massive stars explode as supernova, they produce even heavier elements, including uranium, the heaviest of all natural elements. These heavy elements are spewed out into the interstellar void and become part of the clouds of gas and dust that coalesce into the second generation and succeeding generations of stars. These stars will have more heavy elements than do the first-generation stars. The Sun is a star of the second generation or later.’3
Stellar evolution theory considers three populations of stars—Population I, II, and III.4 Population III stars are the most significant to the development of the universe, followed by multiple generations of Population I stars. The idea of stellar populations dates back to research in WWII by Walter Baade at Mount Wilson observatory. He categorised Population II and Population I stars (in terms of their metalicity, distribution and motion) and incorporated them into an evolutionary paradigm. In this paradigm, Population II stars are considered to be the older generation of stars. Thus they lack O and B stars (which burn ‘quickly’) and have a higher proportion of red giants. Population I stars are considered young, and have all spectral classes including the O and B, hot blue stars. The idea of Population III stars is a later addition to the Baade paradigm resulting from the development of big bang cosmology.
In big bang cosmology, Population III stars are the first generation of stars. As such, Population III stars would contain no metals (elements heavier than helium) with the possible exception of some primordial Li. This distinctive composition means that their spectra would stand out as sharply different from Population II and I stars—that is, if they could be observed today. Unlike the spectra of Population II or I stars, the C/H and Fe/H ratios in Population III stars would not be detectable. In addition, the stellar spectra of Population III stars would reflect the supposed primordial H/He abundance with possible exception of some primordial Li.
How did they form?
The story of star formation in stellar evolution theory begins with a process astronomers cannot observe operating in nature today.
Because they were first, Population III stars would not have formed by the same mechanisms that evolutionists use to explain the origin of Population I stars, which are observed today. There are a number of significant differences. First, evolutionists cannot invoke a supernova to trigger the gas cloud collapse. Supernovae did not occur until after Population III stars had formed and burned all their nuclear fuel. Second, there were no dust grains or heavy molecules in the primordial gas to assist with cloud condensation and cooling, and form the first stars. (Evolutionists now believe that molecular hydrogen may have played a role, in spite of the fact that molecular H almost certainly requires a surface—i.e. dust grains—to form.) Thus, the story of star formation in stellar evolution theory begins with a process that astronomers cannot observe operating in nature today.
Also, evolutionists have modified the equations of state used in the computer models that describe the formation of stars from molecular gas clouds (M42 in Orion is a classic example).
Another significant change for Population III stars is the introduction of dark matter to alter the calculations for the minimum Jeans mass.1 The minimum Jeans mass, defined by density, temperature, pressure, and gravitational potential, is critical in stellar evolution theory. It is an attempt to define the minimum stellar mass that could form via gas cloud fragmentation.5 Dark matter assumptions highly influence the calculation for the Jeans mass. Certainly, gas clouds like M42 are missing this in the equations used in computer models. Early reports from the 1970s and 1980s showed that evolutionists commonly believed that Population III stars could form with masses ranging from 0.1 to 100 M_solar.6
Since low masses (< 1 M_solar) were considered possible for Population III stars, and since low-mass stars deplete their nuclear fuel more slowly, astronomers concluded that some Population III stars should still exist. Careful searches, however, failed to find any Population III stars.
Image NASA
An X-ray image of the Puppis A supernova remnant, created using data from the ROSAT High Resolution Imager. The inset shows an expanded view of the neutron star and its surroundings.
In more recent times the computer models used to predict the masses of Population III stars have been modified and now favour much larger masses (remember that the equations of state have been altered since the early reports.) Some reports now suggest the lower mass range could be 3 to 16 M_solar.7 Thus, evolutionists now do not expect to find any Population III stars today because they were all too massive and burnt their nuclear fuel a long time ago. Some of the massive stars are believed to have evolved into white dwarfs, but most are assumed to have exploded as supernovae, seeding the universe with the heavy elements created from the r and s-process.
Do they exist?
In the big bang model for star-formation we see a big difference between the story for the first unobservable stars and the stars that are observed today. Keep in mind that about 90% of the stars observed today plot on the main sequence of the H-R star diagram. Of these, the majority (about 70% or more) are less than 0.8 M_solar. However, evolutionists could not tolerate this situation for the Population III stars, otherwise the universe would be filled with numerous examples to observe. Yet, none have been found.
It seems that evolutionists commonly gloss over this part of the story when they attempt to convince the public that they understand the origin of stars (and by implication the origin of people, i.e. carbon, oxygen, and iron in our bodies forged in the stars.) Astronomy recently published some information on the origin of Population III stars:
‘The problem: If water is crucial in the formation of stars in these clouds, how would the first stars have formed since no water was available?’8
The editors answer:
‘Astronomers don’t know for sure how the universe made its first stars, but they do have a reasonably good guess. (As you can imagine, there’s no way to observe the formation of the first generation of stars, so all the work is based upon theoretical considerations.) The best scenario has molecular hydrogen playing the role of the cooling agent. If the clouds from which stars formed were some four to five times denser in the early universe than they are today, then enough collisions between hydrogen atoms would have taken place to create a lot of molecular hydrogen. The big question is: Were the first galaxies that much denser? Obviously the overall density of the universe was much higher back in the early days, but no one knows whether the star-forming clouds were this much denser.
‘Most astronomers would say that the fact that stars do exist tells us that the density was higher back then, because otherwise there would be no stars … Nowadays, of course, nature has found a simpler, easier way to cool the clouds (with water), so that’s what she uses.’8
It seems there is a major problem with the answer given:
‘The first generation of stars likely formed when the universe was only a few million years old (though these ‘Population III’ stars have not yet been identified).’9
The term, ‘have not yet been identified’ leads to the ‘big question’: Where are examples of these first generation stars or Population III stars? There is no evidence that the universe ever had or does contain Population III stars. There is no evidence that the universe ever contained the primordial star forming clouds that contained no metals. The editors failed to point this out in the ‘theoretical’ answer provided. Their answer assumes that Population III stars are real. Indeed, their answer is tantamount to conjecture and circular reasoning based upon the big bang. The editors also failed to identify the critical role of dark matter in the equations of state used to model the formation of Population III stars, as say compared to molecular gas clouds like M42.
Recent reports about possible gas giant planets located in M42 have been drawing attention.10 If confirmed, this shows that evolutionists cannot predict the minimum Jeans mass for gas clouds like M42 or what type of stellar mass distribution may form with any reliability. This makes me wonder about how reliable predictions for the minimum Jeans mass may be that are modelled using unobserved primordial star forming clouds and dark matter.
No one has observed or can observe the primordial star forming gas clouds that evolutionists believe existed in the early universe, shortly after the big bang. Their existence remains a matter of conjecture, not fact.
The formation of Population III stars in big bang cosmology is very dependent upon assumptions of dark matter used in the equations of state to define the minimum Jeans mass. This again is conjecture, not fact.
The existence of Population III stars remains untested. ‘Although the search for Population III stars has proved elusive so far, upcoming CMB anisotropy probes (MAP/Planck) will study their signature, and NGST might be able to directly image them.’1
Star formation in stellar evolution theory is a topic that needs to be critically examined. Some of the mechanisms invoked by evolutionists to explain star formation appear plausible when extrapolated over millions and billions of years. However, current theory based upon observations of molecular gas clouds like M42 breaks down when applied to the origin of Population III stars. Other components of the theory, such as the minimum Jeans mass and stellar mass distribution, indicate that, contrary to the impression we are given, evolutionists are far from solving the origin of the myriad stars we do observe.
Basically it shows that there is still no proof. while most of the world thinks it is "facts" and "scientific". you even heard lee foo yong say. cannot mix religion with science. it is precisely it is NOT science. evolution is not as scientifically backed as creationism. Just because it is more popular in the scelular world because it allows humans to solve the problem of existence without a higher being.
Hi all. nw feeling quite europhic atm.
Just went to bao ming the zhong xiang hui guan chinese chess competition. At bishan cc. the xiang qi zhong hui there. SO FUNNY. go there, the 2 haos were playing. they were DAMN funny. keep talking while playing. and many nonsense. MANY MANY NONSEnse. wao so funny la. den play with the HCJC ppl. woot. win! yay!
And i today only play 1 game of DotA. and i pwned linkin's face. hes nub face LOL. he is the bird. WOOT! yay! shant go into details. cos most of my readers dont know or hunderstand DotA.
and i packed my Worksheets in my box. Sorted out all the sec 3 worksheets. many many. took quite long. and i tried 2 play piano again. lyke lost some touch. play awhile left wrist damn damn pain lei. duno why. zzz .zzz .zzz . must b lyke 6 mths nvr touch piano de jie guo.and cant rly play any songs. cant find my scores.
And tmr shld b going to give out leaflets or sth to that extent. wood hab nvr agreed but since my boredom has been increasingly unbearable... oh and its wif the darren leong jia jie and gordon wan sth sth. 4got his chinese name alrdy. despite being in his chinese class 4 2 years.
In case my good friend has anymore misconceptions, i shall post certain information that is highly likely he might have muddled up.
6. Did Bible Writers believe the earth was flat?
No—this false idea is not taught in Scripture!
In the Old Testament, Job 26:7 explains that the earth is suspended in space—the obvious comparison being with the spherical sun and moon. By 150 B.C., the Greek astronomer Eratosthenes had already measured the 25,000-mile circumference of the earth. The round shape of our planet was a conclusion easily drawn by watching ships disappear over the horizon and also by observing eclipse shadows, and we can assume that such information was well known to New Testament writers. Earth's spherical shape was, of course, also understood by Christopher Columbus. Some people may have thought the earth was flat, but certainly not the great explorers. Some Bible critics have claimed that Revelation 7:1 assumes a flat earth since the verse refers to angels standing at the "four corners" of the earth. Actually, the reference is to the cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west. Similar terminology is often used today when we speak of the sun's rising and setting, even though the earth, not the sun, is doing the moving. Bible writers used the "language of appearance," just as people always have. Without it, the intended message would be awkward at best and probably not understood clearly. When the Bible touches on scientific subjects, it is entirely accurate.
1. Is earth at the center of the universe?
It is popular today to deny any special recognition for the earth. Secular scientists tell us that we live on a speck of dust, circling a humdrum star in a far corner of an obscure galaxy! While this is all true, the earth remains of central importance. Scripture gives a refreshing contrast to secular thinking by declaring that earth and mankind are not an insignificant result of accidental evolution. The Book of Genesis states that our planet was created three days before the sun, moon, and stars. The purposes of the stars relate directly to the earth: to provide a calendar system (Gen. 1:14) and to declare God's glory to men (Ps. 19:1). The earth is also a universal reference point in that Christ came here to walk among men, and will one day return. An unseen spiritual battle goes on for the souls of men , focusing on this earth and extending to high places (Eph. 6:12). The earth is truly a spiritual center of the universe. It was once thought that the earth was physically located at the exact center of the universe, and furthermore that it did not move. This "geocentric" view is still held today by a few people, although Scripture does not require it and observation clearly shows the earth's movement. The earth revolves around the sun once a year. It also rotates on its axis every 24 hours. These motions add together in a dizzy combination. The earth's spin results in a surface speed of 1,000 miles per hour at the equator. The speed of the earth due to orbital motion around the sun is 66 times greater still. This is 30 times faster than a rifle bullet. During an average human's lifetime (70 trips around the sun), 41 billion miles are traveled. While you read this page, the earth has already traveled more than 1,000 miles! Fortunately, we do not directly notice this motion since the earth's faithful gravity force ensures that both its atmosphere and inhabitants remain firmly in place. However, earth's motion is clearly shown by the westward movement of the sun, moon, and stars through the sky (see table 1).
We really don't know where the physical center of the universe is. If God's heavens are infinite in extent, then no center actually exists. But the question of the earth's physical position is less important than the spiritual reality of God's love for his people.
Table 1: Earth's Major Motions
Rotation on axis
1,000 miles/hour (at equator)
Revolution around the sun
66,600 miles/hour
Solar-system travel around the galaxy
500,000 miles/hour
Overall motion of the galaxy
1.1 million miles/hour
And lastly, id like to state that whatever mistakes made by christians are mistakes. There is no denying it. The pope is not god. The pope is human, and in fact, most popes have made mistakes. There is nothing wrong with that. For all man have sinned. For the absoloute truth, u should only take into account the bible. and abt ur point on the other religions. im nt self centered okay... let the other religion people defend themself. im only defending creationism i suppose. anw, if i have made any mistakes u can tell me. since im nt mistake proof.
hello everyone. Pls say hello back. comon. say it. just say it. nevermind, just say it la. JUST SAY HELLO!!!. man, its common courtesy! DARN IT *************************
WAo. talk about self-inflicted anger. that was a cool example was it not? it is a cold topic. but have u peeps noticed people, parents in particular. when they start scolding u, and u know... u pretend not to listen anden they get more and more worked up. and they start dragging things done gazillion years ago, or rather things that u HAVENT done that u were supposed to do? sounds v familiar uh?
Ok, nothing of this sort happened to me receently. just that i was quite bored and yea.. u know...
"How could this happen to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... Ive made my mistake. got no where to run. live goes on..." the chorus of the simple plan hit "untitled" kept playing in Mr jumes lum's head as he ran. He was a well-built teenager, average in height. He had a heavy haversack, all his life's posessions, and his burden. He ran with his head bowed, a sign of despair and defeat. His legs pumped mechanically like pistons, as if in an effort to escape the engulfing darkness. He ran on and on, into the night, away from the past, into the bealk and clouded future, with no end in sight...
ok this is shit. i just happened to be well... sianed as usual. i think its kinda too englishy. loool. but quite fun. maebe i shld create more openings using songs... sounds fun uhhhhh? imagine ur engrish O level compo u start writing abt some singaporean song that the cambridge ppl never heard of or dreamt of in their wildest dreams. liek maebe " i live in singapura ". that retarded shitsong.
woots. i shall post some cool articles. which wood b dry for james. warning, if ur zero please do not read furthur. I thought, since we ARE pure history students, and have just finished learning abt stalin and the cold war and stuff.
therefore, the article is, as usual, ripped from CMI.
A decade ago, when the newly opened Russian government archives revealed details of biologist Ilia Ivanov’s attempts to create an ape-human hybrid in the 1920s, it made international headlines. Why had Ivanov’s project, which included expensive expeditions into Africa, been both sanctioned and financed by the Bolshevik government at a time when few Russians were allowed to leave the country? Some suggested that the military commanders aimed to breed super-strong hairy ape-man warriors for what The Sun in London referred to as ‘Stalin’s mutant ape army’.1 However, neither Ivanov’s nor the government’s actual motives for the project were spelled out clearly in the archive documents.
University of Cambridge specialist in Russian history, Soviet-born Alexander Etkind, in a recent journal paper entitled ‘Beyond eugenics: The forgotten scandal of hybridizing humans and apes’, believes he has the answer.2 Etkind says that when Ivanov put his proposal to the authorities, he painted it as the experiment that would prove men had evolved from apes. (But see box: ‘The limits of hybridisation’.)
‘If he crossed an ape and a human and produced viable offspring then that would mean Darwin was right about how closely related we are,’ Etkind says. Ivanov’s approach to the government stressed how proving Darwin right would strike a blow against religion—Ivanov of course knowing that religion was something the authorities ‘were struggling to stamp out’.
Etkind’s observations bear out our earlier article about Ivanov (see Stalin’s ape-man superwarriors—Creation 29(1):32–33, 2006) and information provided subsequently by a correspondent (see Reader feedback: Stalin’s ape-men experiment had anti-God motives).
Note that it wasn’t only the Bolshevik government that financed Ivanov’s vision. Etkind writes that when news of Ivanov’s proposal reached USA shores in the 1920s, ‘The American Association for the Advancement of Atheism announced its fund-raising campaign to support Ivanov’s project but gave it a scandalously racist interpretation.’
Scandalously racist? Actually, racism is a logical outflow of evolutionary teaching (see, e.g., The fallacy of racism, and Darwinism’s influence on modern racists and white supremacist groups: the case of David Duke). Therein lies the real scandal.
Ilia Ivanov was initially not regarded as a crank, having established something of a reputation for himself as a successful breeder of hybrid animals using AI (artificial insemination) techniques.
Notably, he produced a zeedonk (zebra-donkey hybrid), a zubron (European bison-cow hybrid) and various combinations of rats, mice, guinea pigs and rabbits.
Thus having established credibility, he told a gathering of zoologists in 1910 that he believed it might even be possible to create hybrids between humans and ‘their closest relatives’, by which he meant apes.
The fundamental flaw in Ivanov’s argument is that he failed to recognize (or, at least, acknowledge) that zebras and donkeys, although labeled as being different species, are in fact members of the same originally created kind. Similarly bison, yaks and other cattle are descendants of the same created aurochs kind. But the limits of hybridization are clearly such that different kinds of creatures cannot be hybridized with one another—e.g. one cannot cross an antelope with a pig, nor a panda with an aardvark. But it is possible to hybridise lions and tigers, and dolphins and killer whales—see Don Batten’s classic article Ligers and Wholphins? What next? for more on this subject.
IN case ur wundering, this is just abt how a communist soviet scientist tried to hybirdise man with apes, and was obviously not sucessful. And the bottom part is abt how hybirdisation is due to something abt a KIND, and not species. like u can cross zebras and donkeys because their the same kind. but u definetly cant cross zebras and a cat because their of different kinds.
I today watch around 3-4 hours of tv!!! record lei. considering i dun usually watch tv. I watched the Dvd of doctor house. With my mom. And ate 2 big potato chip packets. and 7 wang wang. Cool siaz. Nvr thot Tv could still manage to hold my attention for a substantial period of time. well, i surprised myself.
Lets have some thoughts. long long time since i last posted. about those tremendous long and lengthy and sorta boring thoughts. if u dun wanna read this part it is fine.
Today wont be on the meaning of life. cos i havent made any progress on that. too busy playing some lame games or watching TV.
Today, will be on, fatness. I DISLIKE fat people. (fat as in VERY fat, lester and darren have not reached that extent. Yet.)
With a few exceptions. Like. those i know. for example, aalen the snowman. Genaralising, i feel that fat people have lousy self control. This is due to the fact that they are fat in itself. Unless, of course, u gna tell me that u enjoy being fat and love or get a tremendous thrill out of people calling u names. like the PSLE listening compre: fatty fatty bom bom today cannot go home. well, i believe most fat people would rather not be fat. pardon me, those fat lovers, this does not apply to u in anysense scince u have proven to be exceptionally unique in ur taste. well, scince the fat people would rather NOT be fat, they cant achieve it. This shows failure. Which in essence shows a lack of all the good qualities associated with sucess. like determination and perseverence and self control and... all the HOMs and stuff. Of course, this is a generalised statement and it does not apply to those who are fat due to reasons BEYOND their control. Like genetics and stuff. Im talking abt those, who stuff themselves with food uncontrollably like a starving person when in reality they are alrdy... what do i say? fat. And those, with no willpower to exercise or even climb up the stairs. This shows that technology: car and lift. is not nesseserailly a boon. Ok i know the paragraph is really long and my font is not that reader friendly at all. bear with me. really. being fat shows that u do not even have the power to control things that are in ur control like ur body. let alone controlling other uncontrollable forces like trying to change the class and stuff. to quote some idiot: epic fail. ONce again, this only applies to those being fat due to their own doing and their own - non-existent self image and stuff. And, this only applies to the tremendous fat like those that have a gravity field so strong that people around them feel a breeze due to the many air particles orbiting the massive mass. wao cool. massive mass.
Wao. enuf on fat people.
I dearly want to post certain stuffs but, i shall control myself and not... shall i say air the dirty linen in public?
Ok ok. Holidays are rotting days. yea well, u already know what ive done today. which is practically nothing. Neopets is beginning to bore me. i think i shld try to play some mmorpg or begin my rise of nation-ing. or i should install sacred into my laptop so i can burn time. well, going to reinstall lf2. which i deleted due to exams being near.
and i have a lack of playmates. Walauz. and i thought that my class was very wired and had endless time on the computer. Sian sian sian sian sian.
pls recommend some meaningful things to do
Best players in Slow games
Name Score Win Draw Lose
LoveStory 2527 37 5 0
This guy is a cheater. nobody loses 0 times. proally like kok. use software
Haiz. now is holiday. Supposed to be relaxing and stuff. instead, it is kinda boring. yea. sucks man. and i wish that the problem hadnt cropped up in ncc. zzz la. oh well. i do not care. and i reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllyyyy do not like certain things that a happening. for example, the uselessness of certain teachers.
And v bored and sianz and lonely
woo pwnage. i shall stop talking abt ncc. anws, updated the songs. i mean. added alot more old songs. go check em out
Woots. Ltr got ncc meeting. Woots. my promotion is erm, supposedly withdrawn. woots. wesley can call me coporal again. woots. i dun really care luhh...
wa holiday here alrdy. O level chinese sucked. Ncc... i very happy. finally found 2 ppl that have the same ideas as me about it. HAiz. i believe most of them also have those ideas, just dont dare say alrdy. giving face.
That pwns laaaa. WOo. ncc suddenly looks like it is not devoid of brains.
tmr is chinese O LEVELS. and start of da NCC camp, that i havent packed for. not that i really care. comon, chinese O levels are 6x10^23 times more important. LOoool. and im not really preparing for my O levels either. just the usual loafing. man its the holidays... why do ja hafta spoil it? i hate spoilers. screw them. !!!. screw them!!
IM GONNA Cough to death after what i read on a certain someone's blog and a certain someone is going to tell me to bang my head on a wall! real post ltr i suppose
Class outing was great. would dedicate a lengtheir post to it if i wasnt running for time. i mean, liek i have chinese tuition in approximately 7 minutes... doom.
ok so class outing. great. cept for e fact that ppl still remained in their groups, and there wasnt that much mixing. overall had fun... i suggest we create some groups and have some team games or summat the nxt time. will help alot. haaa. cannot tahan some nagging frm below.... now. onto the shitty topic.
CHINESE. AGAIN. ARGHHH screw it. i DUN wanna care abt it, but i AM caring abt it. WTFShit. i actually did my chinese tuition hmwk. am i going crazyyyyyyyyyy? ?? ? yea. and so i think im going crazy. chinese chinese chinese. ahh. not very healthy u knoe... liddat. i think im slacking. as usual. cos certain ppl have finished their darn 9 exam papers the sch gave us. and i did one zhong he tian kong. imbaness. talk abt percentage.
ok... and, theres ncc camp coming. hope it will be a sucess. given the fact that thomas had spent so much time planning, it should be good. i hear the back ground noise again. its going time for my tuition alrdy.
[[To be]]
[[The Story Thus]]
|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012|February 2012|March 2012|April 2012|May 2012|June 2012|July 2012|August 2012|September 2012|October 2012|November 2012|December 2012|January 2013|February 2013|March 2013|April 2013|May 2013|June 2013|July 2013|August 2013|September 2013|October 2013|November 2013|December 2013|January 2014|February 2014|March 2014|April 2014|May 2014|June 2014|July 2014|August 2014|September 2014|October 2014|November 2014|December 2014|January 2015|February 2015|March 2015|April 2015|May 2015|June 2015|July 2015|August 2015|September 2015|October 2015|November 2015|December 2015|January 2016|February 2016|March 2016|April 2016|May 2016|June 2016|July 2016|August 2016|September 2016|October 2016|November 2016|December 2016|January 2017|February 2017|March 2017|April 2017|May 2017|June 2017|July 2017|August 2017|September 2017|October 2017|November 2017|December 2017|January 2018|February 2018|March 2018|April 2018|May 2018|June 2018|July 2018|August 2018|September 2018|October 2018|November 2018|December 2018|January 2019|February 2019|March 2019|April 2019|May 2019|June 2019|July 2019|August 2019|September 2019|October 2019|November 2019|December 2019|January 2020|February 2020|March 2020|April 2020|May 2020|June 2020|July 2020|August 2020|September 2020|October 2020|November 2020|December 2020|January 2021|February 2021|March 2021|April 2021|May 2021|June 2021|July 2021|August 2021|September 2021|October 2021|November 2021|December 2021|January 2022|February 2022|March 2022|April 2022|May 2022|June 2022|July 2022|August 2022|September 2022|October 2022|November 2022|December 2022|January 2023|February 2023|March 2023|April 2023|May 2023|June 2023|July 2023|August 2023|September 2023|October 2023|November 2023|December 2023|January 2024|February 2024|March 2024|April 2024|May 2024|June 2024|July 2024|August 2024|September 2024|October 2024|November 2024|December 2024|January 2025|February 2025
[[The Talk (also silent)]]
[[The Ancients]]