What ought?
Trainer xinmin admin wants to fight.
Xinmin admin: hehehe, i will transform u into a muggerbot after im done with you.
Xinmin admin sends out exams.
Exams cast quick F9, NO EFFECT!
Nicholas Flinched.
Exams used MATHS! Nicholas's calculator blocked the attack.
Nicholas is loafing around.
Exams used HISTORY, BIO, GEO, PHY, CHEM mugger subjects. Its not very effective....
Nicholas used DON'T CARE, its super effective! Exams fainted, Nicholas gained 3999 exp on hw to pwn exams. Nicholas has defeated trainer xinmin adminstration.
Xinmin admin: what? this cant be! my after holidays exam's to get students to study tatics are so devious, it cant have backfired.
powder2ppl attempted to infiltrate The_UnHoly_Grudge's fortification 4 minutes ago. powder2ppl sent 10 infiltrators. powder2ppl has breached The_UnHoly_Grudge's defense! 160 damage was done to The_UnHoly_Grudge's fortification.
my first infiltration!
and gilbert is damn funny. lol.
let me quote: Heartfelt gratitude definitely goes out to guy for sacrificial protection upon all guys from this deadly disaster.
LOL. hilarious. u can guess what context it was made in. i cant tell u. i still want to play bridge.
Zzz. im getting owned in chess. maebe i shld do what the other sec 4 former presidents did, stop playing with the rest so can say nobody beat you. lol. I think my lousyness compared to theirs is worse la.
Sianz. Neways, i ate at pastamania for lunch. didnt really like the turkey tuna thingy. not nice de. den ate 1 tub of rum and rasin hagen daz. very nice. i think im becoming FAT. O NO. how? i dont care is the answer. I DOnT CARE lol. hilarious mah?
Next, went for some treatment. Very pain. Cost alot.
zz, i dont even know why im blogging about my day.
i have made up my mind at last. for the timebeing, about the short term.
and i do not wantto scale whatever coporate ladder. dont really care. its stupid. this is on a side note
i have noticed that many of my peers couldnt give a toot to update their blogs. well, holidays are just boring. and many of my peers are chao muggers, so there.
hello im back. cant be bothered for midyears thou. but my games are limited. this is boring
hello. im going to indonesia for 4 days. try not to contact me, otherwise youll have to pay. lawl.
how sian. dont feel like going. exams are coming. im not really sure why, but i have this inbreed fear of exams. not that i do anything about it. even though i dont think its useful to warrant my effort. Must be the 'crowd' effect. Thing is when lost people are lost and dont know what to do, they follow lost people.
april says:
pure hisst
paper 2
em paper 2
on monday
bio paper 2
e geog paper 2
on tues
chem paper 1&2
pure hist paper 1
on wednesday
am paper2
bio paper1
on thursday
physics paper 1&2
on friday
must rmb
haiz. i figured if i know what i want to be ill go poly.
if not, ill just do what everyone else and blindly pursuit academic brilliance.
It all boils down to discontentment.
Materialism is underlying discontentment.
Why do we need so much money anyway?
What the hell is the use of O levels, Uni, Masters, PHD? other than money. and recognition.
Is money and recognition that important?
Now really, if i warn you or anything, i care. If not ill leave you to carve out your own ruin. So mind my warnings. If you dont get any, means i dont care about you. obvious enough.
Sometimes, a good thing might not be always good.
Our school is too focused on O levels. I dont really care about them. They matter less than my fingernail on my little finger.
Do not neglect your friends.
EDIT: I reiterate, the O levels isnt everything. It is something, but a small thing, even though it is not nothing, it is next to nothing. I dont really understand why are we studying so much for the O levels. By 'we' i am referring to them.
EDIT: EDIT: Somebody enlighten me please. Sooner rather than later. As later might be too late.
EDIT: EDIT: EDIT: Your hand in mine. Rmb this song?
Tell everyone that you love that you love them. Its never too early.
I love you.
OK below is an article again ripped from creationontheweb. I shall summarise, but for those who want to know more read through the whole thing.
1stly, i dont really understand the first example lol.
2ndly, something about as more fishes are being caught, fishes are forced to reproduced younger and grow smaller. <= this is not evolution. Smaller fishes are still fishes, its natural selection i think, the larger fishes die the late reproducing fishes die. Its not that the smaller fishes reproducing at a younger age didnt exist in the first place, is just that they are now more dominant. I think.
3rdly, evolutionist claims that humans are evolving faster than ever. Cite the example of european adults being able to drink milk while asians and africans cant. Actually adults being able to drink milk, as bio students know, is due to their lactase enzyme or sth. Adults typically are programmed to switch off the production of lactase in adults so actually its a mutation that european adults are able to drink milk. the switching off does not occur due to a mutation. this is a loss of genetic information as the 'switching off part' has been lost and not a increase of genetic mutation which is to say adults suddenly learn how to drink milk. Evolution would be in 2009 humans cannot eat rocks but in 2900 humans eat rocks or something. new genetic information to digest rocks. LOL.
4th: some example about a butterfly population almost being wiped out by killer bacteria with only 1 percent of original pop left after a year. amazingly, after another year they so called 'evolved' to get resistance to the bacteria and the population was increasing again. This is a case of the 1 percent of original pop already having the resistance gene and not they some how manged to mutate and get the gene. If they didnt have it and had to 'evolve' to get it they would have been wiped out. This is not a gain of genetic information of the resistance gene as it was all along there, however it is a loss of genetic information from the 99 percent which died. This makes sense. Take example the SARS, if it wasnt in check, lets say 200 humans 2 have the resistance. So 198 die. and the two left have the resistance gene. Their future generations also have the resistance gene. right? problem is that the other 198 might have the gene for black brown yellow hair or some other thing but the genes are now lost. again a case of loss in genetic information and not a gain.
5th some toad gaining longer legs so they can jump around australia faster. point: toads with longer legs are still toads. the toads with the longer legs in the population just move about more/ survive better so they become more predominant. wth, lets say we all die and yaoming and his gf is left. so humans have evolved longer legs? no! they have forgot how to grow short legs. are longed-legs humans different from us? again no. =.= dumb. 6th is very technical u should read it. something about fossils and the flood.
7th lizards lose their legs to become more snake like due to them swimming through sand or soil. THIS IS AGAIN a case of loss in genetic information. The information to make the legs, taken off. so they do not have legs. not snakes growing legs. This is like some sickle cell amnenia in africa people survive better in africa or something right? get the link? Its like people who drop of their legs because they do not walk and people who grow webbed feet because they swim.
i deleted the front part.
The first “sign of evolution” is Darwin’s finches
The seed-crushing bills of little songbirds called finches, which were adapted to various niches throughout the Galapagos Islands, proved integral to the formulation of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. And the birds haven’t stopped evolving. For example, the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis), shown here, recently downsized its beak to exploit small seeds more efficiently after a larger finch arrived on its island and began competing for food. The smaller beaks on the smaller birds allowed them to thrive, while the big birds ate all the big seeds and nearly went extinct, scientists say.3
B. Rosemary Grant / Science via AP file
Finch bills changing size is totally uncontroversial. Such variation is an amazing design feature that allows the original created kinds of creatures to adapt to different ecological niches.4 But the genetic processes behind these changes do not support the evolutionist’s claim that reptiles evolved into birds over millions of years. These tiny variations are not like the fundamental design modifications needed for bird evolution, such as changing scales into feathers, heavy reptilian bones into hollow bird bones, and the reptilian lung into an avian lung. The process affecting the bills reduces the genetic information in the finches instead of increasing it as required. Even with millions of years of time it is not going to work because the process is going in the wrong direction.
On the other hand, the biblical creation model explains these changes without any problem. All the finches on the Galapagos Islands are descended from birds that survived Noah’s Flood on board the Ark, some 4,500 years ago. After the Flood, the birds multiplied and gradually migrated away from the Middle East. Some eventually reached the islands where they rapidly diversified into different environmental niches. Darwin’s finches are not a sign of molecules-to-man evolution but a sign of creation.
The second sign is “Humans influence natural selection”
Is human activity “natural”? Scientists say human activity is indeed affecting the evolution of other species. In one example, the human preference for large snow lotus plants, which are used in traditional Tibetan and Chinese medicine, has meant that only the smaller plants go to seed. Hence, the snow lotus is getting smaller. In another example, scientists have found that human preference for trophy game such as big fish and caribou is driving these species to become smaller and reproduce at younger ages.5
Yes, human selection pressures can cause lotus plants, fish and caribou to become smaller—see, e.g., Smaller fish to fry. But what evolutionists want you to think is that fish, lotus plants and caribou evolved from a single celled protozoan over millions of years. It’s a tactic called “bait and switch”. They tempt you with a Cadillac but give you a bicycle. If you accept the bait then you will think they can explain everything according to the laws of nature without any need for God creating. It’s a strategy in the cultural war designed to make people abandon their Christian heritage.
As explained above, the process of variation and natural selection is going in the wrong direction for bacteria-to-biologist evolution. It points to the fact that lotus plants, fish and caribou are derived from the separate kinds of organisms that were created at the beginning.
The third sign is “Human evolution speeding up?”
With more people crowding into ever more ecological niches over the past 10,000 years, humans appear to be evolving more rapidly than in the distant past, according to scientists. What’s more, as people adapt to different regions, cultures and diets, they are becoming increasingly different from people elsewhere. For example, Europeans have evolved a tolerance for dairy products into adulthood, whereas people in China and most of Africa have not.6
Hulton Archive / Getty Images file
These sorts of cultural differences provide absolutely no support to Darwin’s suggestion that humans evolved from apes.7
All the people alive today are descended from the original human population of eight individuals that survived the global Flood, and later from those that migrated across the earth after the confusion of languages at the tower of Babel. That we are all “one blood” is supported by the latest genetic findings, and demonstrated by the fact that individuals from different cultures and different continents can marry and have children. The reason that many people in China and Africa cannot tolerate milk is that their genes controlling lactase production are functioning as originally designed, i.e. to switch off lactose production after weaning. In stark contrast, adult milk-drinkers are “mutants”—see Can’t drink milk? You’re normal! A mutation is a loss of information—just the opposite of what is needed in order to specify new design features in organisms. A random change in a complicated piece of machinery will degrade its performance, not enhance it. (So, in this case, the ability to digest lactose in adulthood is the result of a loss of information, not a gain.) And there are thousands of genetic mutations that have accumulated and cause diseases within humans since the time the original pair were created, perfect, about 6,000 years ago.
Human genetics is a sign of creation, not evolution.
Sign #4: “Butterflies rapidly evolve resistance to killer bacteria”
Sylvain Charlat / Science
A population of tropical butterflies on a South Pacific island evolved resistance to a killer bacteria in the span of a single year – a blink of the eye in evolutionary time. The bacteria infects females and selectively kills males before they hatch. The strategy reduced male Blue Moon butterflies to just 1 percent of the population. But just 10 generations later – a year’s time – males made up nearly 40 percent of the population. Scientists said the rebound is due to the evolution of a so-called suppressor gene that keeps the killer bacteria in check.8
Genetic variation is always present within any population of organisms. That’s the starting point for natural selection. In other words, some of this population of butterflies was already resistant to the “killer bacteria” when it was introduced, so they survived. The butterflies did not wait until after the killer bacteria were introduced before evolving the resistant gene, otherwise they would have all died. From the 1% of individuals that survived the number of resistant butterflies quickly multiplied until they repopulated the island.
In other words, no new genetic information was produced by this event. In fact, the genetic information within the non-resistant butterflies was lost. If natural selection removes genetic information then how did the genetic information get into the butterflies in the first place? And it all happened quickly, within a few generations. Insect resistance is a sign that points to creation.
Sign #5 is “Toxic toad evolves longer legs”
A toxic toad, introduced in 1936 to wipe out a beetle species wreaking havoc on Australia’s sugar cane crop, has become an uncontrollable pest itself, evolving longer legs to help it hop across the country at an ever-increasing clip. For their first 20 years or so in the country, they spread at a pace of 6 miles per year. They now cruise at about 30 miles per year. Why? Researchers found that the toads leading the cross-country march had legs that were 6 percent longer than those of the stragglers. The added length gives more speed, which permits the long-legged toads to secure the best habitat at the newly conquered terrain.9
Ben Phillips
A toad with longer legs is just a toad. It is not evolution—I.e, a process of unlimited change, with the capacity for adding lots of new information (and thus potentially turning a toad into something radically different in time). It’s clear that all that is happening is a simple genetic shift in the proportion of a population having a particular characteristic that already exists in that population—in this case, long legs. The genetic information for long-leggedness has not appeared out of nowhere (i.e. evolved) but is part of the variation built into the toad kind at Creation.
Such simple shifting of relative gene frequencies can go either way. A year after the invasion front arrived at their research site near the city of Darwin, researchers found that the average fell back to 40% of body length, as the shorter-legged toads caught up.10
A long-legged toad is still an amphibian and is not evolving into something else, such as a reptile, as the evolutionists claim happened in the past. Think of the fundamental design changes needed to transform an amphibian into a reptile. For example, toads grow from tadpoles whereas lizards hatch straight from eggs. A toad with longer legs is no closer to becoming a new species than a human with longer arms. The remarkable life cycle of the toad is an example of intelligent design and points to creation.
Sign #6: “Intermediate form supports flatfish evolution”
Flounder, sole, halibut and other flatfish have long struck biologists as evolutionary oddities: Both their eyes are on one side of the head, an adaptation that allows them to lie flat on the ocean bottom while keeping their eyes on the lookout for passing prey. The transition happens in the youth of flatfish, one eye migrating up and over the top of the head. Opponents of evolution argued that this curious anatomy could not have evolved gradually, as suggested by the theory of natural selection. That’s because there would be no advantage for an intermediate form –a fish with an only partially migrated eye. But now scientists have found those intermediate forms in museum collections. The 50 million-year-old fossils, including Heteronectes chantei shown here, have a partially displaced eye.11
When flatfish die today they are not generally fossilized. Scavengers continue to eat their remains until there is nothing left. To fossilize a flatfish you need to bury it under sediment quickly. If a young flatfish was suddenly buried when its eye had only migrated part of the way around its head it would look just like the fossil pictured. It would not be a new species.
The sedimentary rocks of the world are filled with fossils that point to rapid burial. One example is a fish entombed in the act of swallowing another fish. Another is an ichthyosaur snap frozen in sediment while giving birth. The global Flood described in the Bible explains why we find so many fossils buried in sediment laid down by water all over the earth. Buried only 4,500 years ago, not 50 million years, sign # 6 is a powerful sign for creation.
The last sign, #7, is “Lizards lose limbs”
Mark Hutchinson
Australian lizards called skinks are dropping their limbs to become more like snakes. And, according to a genetic family tree, some skinks have gone snaky in just 3.6 million years, relatively fast in evolutionary time. Scientists said the skinks’ lifestyle appears to be driving the change: They spend most of their time swimming through sand or soil. Limbs are not only unnecessary for this, they may be a hindrance. Once a skink goes snaky, they never go back, the researchers add. One of the snakelike skinks is shown here.
If amoebas are going to evolve into avocados and archaeologists the organisms continually need to produce new structures. For natural selection to change a fish into an amphibian, for example, it needs to put legs on a fish. But here we see a process, a mutation that takes legs off. Mutations also remove eyes from fish. Mutations are going the wrong way. So, how did the legs get on the lizard in the first place? Not by natural selection. Note too that it does not take millions of years for a lizard to lose its legs. Just one mutation in one generation will do the trick. The loss of legs on lizards is consistent with, and thus points to the truth of, the biblical account of how the world came to be the way it is today—lizard leg loss is not a “sign of evolution”.
wheee i have updated my uhm links. very long scince I last did.
Well, there are many different war strategies.
You can attack swiftly, stealthily- massacre and/or raze - then retreat in the same fashion in which you came. The enemy will not know what hit him and by the time he realises, the damage has been done and you are far far away. This is like the sniper or commandos.
You can make yourself invulnurable, build your defences, play a waiting game with the opponent. If he attacks, defend/trap well and counter attack. Your defences will take out a lot of his troops and with initiative, your counter will end in a route for the opponent. This is like the way of the spider.
You can go on the offence, in bright daylight, with banners and chariots, with the full might of your army against an enemy. This is like a straight punch that the enemy can see, but do nothing about.
Ok that was retarded. AWWW
All boys in our class minus 1 mark. Those who have a higher score minus more.
Edit: wasting time here. not studying chem. not giving a damn. nobody gives a damn. im not going to run around blindly anymore. even if im wasting time.
Chi O lvl is over. But theres still school in 30 mins time. Sian. screwed up post-exam and holidays.
[[To be]]
[[The Story Thus]]
|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012|February 2012|March 2012|April 2012|May 2012|June 2012|July 2012|August 2012|September 2012|October 2012|November 2012|December 2012|January 2013|February 2013|March 2013|April 2013|May 2013|June 2013|July 2013|August 2013|September 2013|October 2013|November 2013|December 2013|January 2014|February 2014|March 2014|April 2014|May 2014|June 2014|July 2014|August 2014|September 2014|October 2014|November 2014|December 2014|January 2015|February 2015|March 2015|April 2015|May 2015|June 2015|July 2015|August 2015|September 2015|October 2015|November 2015|December 2015|January 2016|February 2016|March 2016|April 2016|May 2016|June 2016|July 2016|August 2016|September 2016|October 2016|November 2016|December 2016|January 2017|February 2017|March 2017|April 2017|May 2017|June 2017|July 2017|August 2017|September 2017|October 2017|November 2017|December 2017|January 2018|February 2018|March 2018|April 2018|May 2018|June 2018|July 2018|August 2018|September 2018|October 2018|November 2018|December 2018|January 2019|February 2019|March 2019|April 2019|May 2019|June 2019|July 2019|August 2019|September 2019|October 2019|November 2019|December 2019|January 2020|February 2020|March 2020|April 2020|May 2020|June 2020|July 2020|August 2020|September 2020|October 2020|November 2020|December 2020|January 2021|February 2021|March 2021|April 2021|May 2021|June 2021|July 2021|August 2021|September 2021|October 2021|November 2021|December 2021|January 2022|February 2022|March 2022|April 2022|May 2022|June 2022|July 2022|August 2022|September 2022|October 2022|November 2022|December 2022|January 2023|February 2023|March 2023|April 2023|May 2023|June 2023|July 2023|August 2023|September 2023|October 2023|November 2023|December 2023|January 2024|February 2024|March 2024|April 2024|May 2024|June 2024|July 2024|August 2024|September 2024|October 2024|November 2024|December 2024|January 2025|February 2025
[[The Talk (also silent)]]
[[The Ancients]]