What ought?

Sunday, April 29, 2012


When one writes reflections, one should usually start with the initial expectations so as to provide a backdrop to the thought processes going on during the period of reflection.

Ohwell. im not writing a reflection anyway. Or rather am no longer. Eitherway, CLM is over. heres to tougher trainings and all that. I hope to do well. Not that i want to be outstanding, but still good enough I guess. Ha.. Contentment. Knowing my limits. .etc
I dont know. Why is my being sian affecting so many people? this is terrible. I just wanna be sian to myself or something, So that things can only get less sian or something. Or am i kidding myself! Probably.
I must really really really not whine le lah. anot gg.
hope to be closer and more on task with my life's mission. instead of slacking and watching youtube or cracked or whatnot.

[[I wrote this at]]*|4:56 PM|

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


hello world. posting from my bunk kinda thing. hmm.
haish. clm is rather slack i would think. idk lah. scary to think what will come but i wont be scared. cos i have no reason to. anyways. the um, service term and the death is coming soon.
haish haish. how hard is it do what i wanna do.... its terribly hard.

[[I wrote this at]]*|4:36 PM|

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

[[where it all begins]]

ok. today is the daaay. lets go oo oo.

i wanna want what i have. ok lah. enough of that. bye guys, dont miss mee too muchhh.

[[I wrote this at]]*|12:25 AM|

Sunday, April 15, 2012


hello guys. i need a paradigm shift if i are going to commission.
so yeah. i dont wanna lead a easy life.
i need to want the stuff that im going through. anyway good training if i ever join the mission field.
so yeah. lets go! and i need to stop whining again lah. wth. whine whine whine summore.
ok lets go~ end of block leave leeeee. tmr have psc interview. hope it goes well! i kinda want it.
oh and for archiving purposes i finished dentistry manual dex, interview, law interview and law test. ohwell. all seem ok-ish. idk whether can get anot.
this is where the story ends.
hahahahaha. jy lah. see you guys in 3 weeks. confine again.
and to you~ hello. good day to you~ so long~ so long~ how are you? hows your day? where are you going? goodbye~ good night~ farewell~

[[I wrote this at]]*|9:50 PM|

Thursday, April 12, 2012


hello. not updating already i guess

haish. life is getting better~ i guess. getting out of the sickening sian feeling. or sad sickness. sooon. soon. why isit that everytime i type i feel tired. hmmmm. that volunteer thing sounds fun. i hope to do some? i guess.

sometimes i think one has to realise contentmenttttt.
haish. im a joke. going around in circles over the same few stuff. and through it all not achieving anything. thinking is so choreish. at least now im not feeling so sian anymore :O i know you hate this one.

once again i guess have to say im really thankful for the friends i have. like fatex and lams. those that are dependable to be there. i think im a weirdo. like people there then less, idk, excitement to see them? hmmm. ok dont angry guys. even though i keep whining and attracting attention and what not due to my infintely annoying and insecure personality that has been shed today, at least for a period of time. it oscillates see?

i try too hard to be liked lah. seriously. i shall try to not be selfish and hoard all the like. why do i keep wanting to be superior in almost everything. freaking stupid brain. hahahahahaha!

OMIGOSHHHH. I like thoseeeeeee. haish. those awkward awkward type. you know! awww. sweet.

there are so many thoughts. in my head. im not able to articulate them welllll. i wanna i wanna try. someday.

[[I wrote this at]]*|6:43 PM|

Monday, April 9, 2012


haish. i like certainty. finality. forevers.
i guess thats why being better than others appeals to everyone. especially if its like in secret.
i wish i could, give promises that i am certain i have the power to keep. instead of constantly hedging behind 'try my best' or something to that effect.
i wish i can live my happy life. in a world without troubles or worries. some people like to survive troubles, to overcome them, make themselves stronger in the proccess. realists. good for them i guess. they can, weather life's storm and take on the next. and the next. id rather not take on the storms. run away from it. build some weatherproof house or something.
when i look at ns. haish. i see that it needs to be done, but i dislike pain. really dislike it. and tiredness and fatigue. and ugh, the whole effort needed to excel in the army. but at other times i see it as a fun challenge. whats with me. but lately alot of disliking. and, i guess, whining. why am i whining. isit a part of my nature? isit cos i want something but am not willing to work for it? i guess. probably.
i wish i could be a baby. coddled all the time. i know people think people like me should, grow up. but why? is growing up better? do they feel better growing up? denial maybe but still, a nice ideal. or something. id rather people tell me what to do than to do to be honest. leading is tiring. though i guess i dont mind if really needed...
ok i shall update this later

[[I wrote this at]]*|6:56 PM|

Sunday, April 1, 2012


when she was just a girl, she expected the world.

Ohwell. what do i have here? Another week gone. x.X BMT IS DRAWING TO A CLOSE.
but to heck with it.why am i so scared of command school? i wasnt that scared about JC or what not right. hmmmm. IDK. scared of pain. like physical pain. yucks.
Haish. Me no like pain. Me like happy blissful bubble. isolated from the harsh realities of the world or smth.
And i can only blog once a week. Saddedly.
Oh and 16km was fun, cos you know, front scout is fun. so much for all the fear of it. my mind needs to be less lazy. would you consider being scared of things as taking the easy way out?
PSC psych was tiring. cos i slept late >.> dota summore lah. Everyday is tiring. but its actually all in the mind.
I think i should refresh myself. The 2nd mile people was an eye opener. made me realise ima pathetic christian, once again. and following that i kinda slept in church again. i suck. i wont do that again ok... just VERY TIRED. no joke.
hmmmm. now what. yes, good question.
i wonder how the hell.
Haiya whatever, cant think. booking in soon. at least not as sian as the last time. block leave is coming! ohwell. full of interviews so not that nice either. anywayzzz.

[[I wrote this at]]*|4:24 PM|

[[The Undead]]

Boon Pin
Hsiao Ching
Shaun Lee
Ting Yit
Wee Wei Ming
Xiao Qi

[[To be]]

Not contact (2025)
Not watch (2025)

[[The Story Thus]]

|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012|February 2012|March 2012|April 2012|May 2012|June 2012|July 2012|August 2012|September 2012|October 2012|November 2012|December 2012|January 2013|February 2013|March 2013|April 2013|May 2013|June 2013|July 2013|August 2013|September 2013|October 2013|November 2013|December 2013|January 2014|February 2014|March 2014|April 2014|May 2014|June 2014|July 2014|August 2014|September 2014|October 2014|November 2014|December 2014|January 2015|February 2015|March 2015|April 2015|May 2015|June 2015|July 2015|August 2015|September 2015|October 2015|November 2015|December 2015|January 2016|February 2016|March 2016|April 2016|May 2016|June 2016|July 2016|August 2016|September 2016|October 2016|November 2016|December 2016|January 2017|February 2017|March 2017|April 2017|May 2017|June 2017|July 2017|August 2017|September 2017|October 2017|November 2017|December 2017|January 2018|February 2018|March 2018|April 2018|May 2018|June 2018|July 2018|August 2018|September 2018|October 2018|November 2018|December 2018|January 2019|February 2019|March 2019|April 2019|May 2019|June 2019|July 2019|August 2019|September 2019|October 2019|November 2019|December 2019|January 2020|February 2020|March 2020|April 2020|May 2020|June 2020|July 2020|August 2020|September 2020|October 2020|November 2020|December 2020|January 2021|February 2021|March 2021|April 2021|May 2021|June 2021|July 2021|August 2021|September 2021|October 2021|November 2021|December 2021|January 2022|February 2022|March 2022|April 2022|May 2022|June 2022|July 2022|August 2022|September 2022|October 2022|November 2022|December 2022|January 2023|February 2023|March 2023|April 2023|May 2023|June 2023|July 2023|August 2023|September 2023|October 2023|November 2023|December 2023|January 2024|February 2024|March 2024|April 2024|May 2024|June 2024|July 2024|August 2024|September 2024|October 2024|November 2024|December 2024|January 2025|February 2025

[[The Talk (also silent)]]

[[The Ancients]]

The /ksl
Nich Lam
Nich lim
Ying Xuan
Yong Jian
Zhi Ling
