What ought?
hello. its me again!
anyway, images. I think being real is of utmost importance. So, i think the idea of projecting a good image is freaking stupid. because you are what you are, not your good image. if there is a need to project a good image, it means that you actually aernt good and therefore there is a need for slightly extra effort to make people think you are when you aernt. why not just go the whole hog and make yourself good?
In anycase, if you project an image that isnt what you/your organisation is, it doesnt do any good. because the substance isnt there to back it up, people will eventually see through the facade. and when that comes, your extra effort to look good turns into negative effort cos it becomes like lying to fool. and deceive. doesnt make sense to me lah!
laughter is a really good medicine. ive come to realise.
too many opportunities pass by because of pride blocking me from going down and picking them.
im only 19. and i have so many memories to keep. i wonder how its like for like 80 year old people. do they categorise them into like decades. or people they know. or whatnot. haha. maybe thats why i keep trying to write down myself. crystalise the 19-year-old thoughts into print that is more or less immortal.
and talk to me! communication is important.
and i think i value time too much to be content with waiting for it to pass. but i dont seem to have much choice...
insights eh. funny.
hmmm. i guess it was a weak first step, but a first step nonetheless. hopefully it will progress towards some things bigger and better.
perspective is everything. more later today
Hi everybody.
I really wish i can be a true man of god. I think i behave hypocritically. So much for being real. I am too flawed. I live a wordly life and try to pacify my religion by going through the motions. While inside i find all sorts of excuses to justify myself to myself. Just trying to assuage the unease within. And i would think living a godly life and giving in to wordly temptations is bad, but i dont even have the base.
Sometimes, like these times (book in looming again. Caution! Pessimism abounds), i feel the impact more strongly, the impact of not living the life i should live. I have a feeling im doing alot of things for all the wrong reasons. Even right things. I like to be liked too much. I dont like god enough. Really selfish. Selfishness disguised as something else? Perhaps.
I think the whole finding of people to lean on was my attempt to survive without god? Like i guess i tried all ways and means to 'make it on my own'. Not that I was very successful. Will need to change alot. Like how i stopped trying to show that im cleaning the rifle but actually cleaning the rifle. So I need to actually live the christian life instead of looking like i live the christian life.
I think family love is really powerful.
ooh. the struggle within.
i are a very self conflicted person. hmmm. another round of self reflection...
hais hais. I think i have a strong conscience. Which is good. but it bugs me to no end. which is not good. which, i conclude, means that i know that something is wrong yet am, expectedly, not doing much about it. hais hais!
i cannot waste time in peace. this is very paradoxical cos i try my best to find time to waste only to find that playing computer is very unfulfilling. AND YET...
It isnt as if I dont want to do something more. It is as if i enjoy this feeling of patheticness, im quite sure there is a name for this... hmm.
like mourning maybe.
cross my heart and hope to die.
So much for giving up everything to god. i personally feel that a life dedicated to god is the right way to go. but i keep making excuses, delaying, clinging onto the world. cant wait to go to church though. thats a new. this feeling of boredom permeates. Wee! my blog url is relevant again.
Ball of sian indeed.
Id like to say that im queer. but i guess i cant accord myself that status. so much for the things to do, things that id really like to do/will do someday.
whats my second point... hmmm. cant remember. will write if it comes back
[[To be]]
[[The Story Thus]]
|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012|February 2012|March 2012|April 2012|May 2012|June 2012|July 2012|August 2012|September 2012|October 2012|November 2012|December 2012|January 2013|February 2013|March 2013|April 2013|May 2013|June 2013|July 2013|August 2013|September 2013|October 2013|November 2013|December 2013|January 2014|February 2014|March 2014|April 2014|May 2014|June 2014|July 2014|August 2014|September 2014|October 2014|November 2014|December 2014|January 2015|February 2015|March 2015|April 2015|May 2015|June 2015|July 2015|August 2015|September 2015|October 2015|November 2015|December 2015|January 2016|February 2016|March 2016|April 2016|May 2016|June 2016|July 2016|August 2016|September 2016|October 2016|November 2016|December 2016|January 2017|February 2017|March 2017|April 2017|May 2017|June 2017|July 2017|August 2017|September 2017|October 2017|November 2017|December 2017|January 2018|February 2018|March 2018|April 2018|May 2018|June 2018|July 2018|August 2018|September 2018|October 2018|November 2018|December 2018|January 2019|February 2019|March 2019|April 2019|May 2019|June 2019|July 2019|August 2019|September 2019|October 2019|November 2019|December 2019|January 2020|February 2020|March 2020|April 2020|May 2020|June 2020|July 2020|August 2020|September 2020|October 2020|November 2020|December 2020|January 2021|February 2021|March 2021|April 2021|May 2021|June 2021|July 2021|August 2021|September 2021|October 2021|November 2021|December 2021|January 2022|February 2022|March 2022|April 2022|May 2022|June 2022|July 2022|August 2022|September 2022|October 2022|November 2022|December 2022|January 2023|February 2023|March 2023|April 2023|May 2023|June 2023|July 2023|August 2023|September 2023|October 2023|November 2023|December 2023|January 2024|February 2024|March 2024|April 2024|May 2024|June 2024|July 2024|August 2024|September 2024|October 2024|November 2024|December 2024|January 2025|February 2025
[[The Talk (also silent)]]
[[The Ancients]]