What ought?

Friday, May 31, 2019

[[Job hunting]]

Hello all!

Before the consolidated reflections come out, let me share some thoughts on the current job hunt.

Its so funny that the highest paying jobs are pointless. Yet I think, somehow, it makes sense. Because people won't want to do pointless jobs, generally. So money, lots of money is required to fill this purposelessness. Plus if people have purpose, they generally hold out for less money because they wanna do it anyway. They don't really see it as a game of how much money I can squeeze out of this organisation or job. On the flip side...

But when I hunt for jobs, man i'm still hyper aware of the prestige of each job. And such and such. And the "quality" it is looked at in society's eyes. And I can't say it doesn't affect me. Though I spec-ed away from such things, the fact that I am applying for a job makes me wanna get the best job and because I have no clear standards for what makes a good job for myself (maybe I am too lax, putting too much on internal attitude), society's standards rushes in to fill the vacuum.

[[I wrote this at]]*|1:20 AM|

Friday, May 24, 2019


I apologise to those who are waiting for something insightful on this space. I have like 10 drafts that have been created in fragments.

Perhaps the most insightful thing that I have realised is that I cannot follow God by my own effort or decision. That it has to be reliance on God's grace that leads to a genuine life of being a disciple. This is actually quite revolutionary for me since I gave much weight to choosing and making decisions and following through on decisions. I seem to have come to the realisation that while all these are still required and important, the underlying attitude cannot be one's own decision which emanates from the self. I used to say that of course the decision one makes is with the grace of God (on a deeper level) but for you it is your decision and something along those lines. But it seems to me, now, that if one supposes to come to God by own strength the foundation on which the rest of the Christian walk is built is really shaky (i.e mine? lol). It seems to me, then, that the grace of God has to move from an intellectual understanding (a la past me) into a fully felt and understood reality (maybe somewhere that I am moving towards, God willing).

I think this insight was gained mostly because I realised how short trying to follow God "on my terms" (kinda) was, in an environment that had people further ahead in following God.

[[I wrote this at]]*|4:36 PM|

Friday, May 3, 2019

[[On being self absorbed and breaking out]]

So for the past like 2-3 weeks or so, I have been in this dreadful state of self absorbedness. And it is really not very pleasant to be in such a state yknow. Because you become so inward looking and the focus is all on me. What I wanted what I expected, how the world and circumstances and everything else fell short. And then maybe some degree of self pity. (By the way, if it didn't fall short it would still be self absorbed, but it would be the flip side which is not necessarily better). And you feel like you want you want you want. Like you want such and such to happen. For me I sulk and pout and try to get the thing to happen to happen (sometimes even asking for it). Usually the things I want cannot be asked for anyway.

But this obsession with self comes at a steep price, even if you eventually get somewhat of what you want. When you are self absorbed and inward looking, you lose the capacity to think about others. And even your prayers become so retarded.

[[I wrote this at]]*|9:50 AM|

[[The Undead]]

Boon Pin
Hsiao Ching
Shaun Lee
Ting Yit
Wee Wei Ming
Xiao Qi

[[To be]]

Not contact (2025)
Not watch (2025)

[[The Story Thus]]

|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012|February 2012|March 2012|April 2012|May 2012|June 2012|July 2012|August 2012|September 2012|October 2012|November 2012|December 2012|January 2013|February 2013|March 2013|April 2013|May 2013|June 2013|July 2013|August 2013|September 2013|October 2013|November 2013|December 2013|January 2014|February 2014|March 2014|April 2014|May 2014|June 2014|July 2014|August 2014|September 2014|October 2014|November 2014|December 2014|January 2015|February 2015|March 2015|April 2015|May 2015|June 2015|July 2015|August 2015|September 2015|October 2015|November 2015|December 2015|January 2016|February 2016|March 2016|April 2016|May 2016|June 2016|July 2016|August 2016|September 2016|October 2016|November 2016|December 2016|January 2017|February 2017|March 2017|April 2017|May 2017|June 2017|July 2017|August 2017|September 2017|October 2017|November 2017|December 2017|January 2018|February 2018|March 2018|April 2018|May 2018|June 2018|July 2018|August 2018|September 2018|October 2018|November 2018|December 2018|January 2019|February 2019|March 2019|April 2019|May 2019|June 2019|July 2019|August 2019|September 2019|October 2019|November 2019|December 2019|January 2020|February 2020|March 2020|April 2020|May 2020|June 2020|July 2020|August 2020|September 2020|October 2020|November 2020|December 2020|January 2021|February 2021|March 2021|April 2021|May 2021|June 2021|July 2021|August 2021|September 2021|October 2021|November 2021|December 2021|January 2022|February 2022|March 2022|April 2022|May 2022|June 2022|July 2022|August 2022|September 2022|October 2022|November 2022|December 2022|January 2023|February 2023|March 2023|April 2023|May 2023|June 2023|July 2023|August 2023|September 2023|October 2023|November 2023|December 2023|January 2024|February 2024|March 2024|April 2024|May 2024|June 2024|July 2024|August 2024|September 2024|October 2024|November 2024|December 2024|January 2025|February 2025

[[The Talk (also silent)]]

[[The Ancients]]

The /ksl
Nich Lam
Nich lim
Ying Xuan
Yong Jian
Zhi Ling
