What ought?
My laptop's battery is busted. It is tragic. Was working well all along with like ~3+ hours. Wasn't a gradual decline. It just suddenly could not be charged. Ohwell. Guess i need a new laptop. But it still works as a desktop.
Dont really know why I'm posting this lol. If you know how to repair it or cure it or whatever that be nice.
Ok my aim in life is to start/join a school to teach other people how to think about how to live life. And to also learn from other people how to think.
Ideally it is a living and learning together environment.
Maybe something like L'abri but doesn't have to be so hipster. If it can be tangentially related to formal education would be best.
I think i need an aim to focus certain efforts and this aim seems good enough, exciting even, for me.
Let's hope that I remain lucid enough to do a good job. I think I have talked to some people and consolidated some thoughts. Also, these reflections are not necessarily particularly flattering. Yet I think they should
Firstly, I saw people really following Jesus with their whole lives. And what this means is that God is the central concern and the guiding thing in their life. Where people really seek to please God with their lives, every part of their lives, especially the main part of their life. And it is really liberating and so crazy. It is kinda unstoppable because nobody has any leverage on them (especially if they are grounded and know God's will well). The most radical examples of these are people in prison yet joyful that they could suffer for Christ. But we don't have to go to prison to be joyful that we can (whatever) for Christ. We can work for Christ and not complain, and be joyful about work. Actually my mum used to teach this to me. But, unfortunately I didn't really see it being lived out until the ship provided me up close examples. And it is really beautiful. For what is there to grumble if you are doing whatever you are doing really for God? Like it is an honour to do whatever and to do it well.
Singapore's hobby is complaining, and I love whining too, generally. But I noticed, upon reflection, that I complain much much less on the ship. Maybe because nobody does it. (Or much less). And it is so nice.
One other thing that I realised was that I was being hypocritical about turning back to the world but actually loving the world. And this can be seen in many small things. For example, in the past when I didn't score good grades and I felt soooo annoyed. Or when I get ticked off by my efforts not being recognised. And it is very easy to think that one has left the world behind, but these small things always burst my bubble.
It is so sad. All I know is how to use people and build myself up.
While maintaining the impression that I try not to.
Yknow I'm the person that is more interested in playing well than in my team winning. If I have a great game and my team loses, I seem to be perfectly fine. I love control. And I love being better than others.
On people being not worthy, or that I am such a great gift. If you watch the show what's wrong with secretary kim, I'm feel like, when I watched it on the way back, I am as narcissistic and self absorbed as the lead. Though less capable, rich and handsome. And in some sense, I guess I've imbibed this idol of wanting to be this perfect guy (or as close to perfect as possible), probably from the culture and environment around. But it is quite broken.
On being narcissistic.
Yknow, the last few sentences were there and I was supposed to elaborate on them for like really long but I am too lazy to do so. So I'm just gonna leave it there and see how it goes.
But for God's grace, so good. Not really my problem, I just depend.
[[To be]]
[[The Story Thus]]
|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008|April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|September 2008|October 2008|November 2008|December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010|May 2010|June 2010|July 2010|August 2010|September 2010|October 2010|November 2010|December 2010|January 2011|February 2011|March 2011|April 2011|May 2011|June 2011|July 2011|August 2011|September 2011|October 2011|November 2011|December 2011|January 2012|February 2012|March 2012|April 2012|May 2012|June 2012|July 2012|August 2012|September 2012|October 2012|November 2012|December 2012|January 2013|February 2013|March 2013|April 2013|May 2013|June 2013|July 2013|August 2013|September 2013|October 2013|November 2013|December 2013|January 2014|February 2014|March 2014|April 2014|May 2014|June 2014|July 2014|August 2014|September 2014|October 2014|November 2014|December 2014|January 2015|February 2015|March 2015|April 2015|May 2015|June 2015|July 2015|August 2015|September 2015|October 2015|November 2015|December 2015|January 2016|February 2016|March 2016|April 2016|May 2016|June 2016|July 2016|August 2016|September 2016|October 2016|November 2016|December 2016|January 2017|February 2017|March 2017|April 2017|May 2017|June 2017|July 2017|August 2017|September 2017|October 2017|November 2017|December 2017|January 2018|February 2018|March 2018|April 2018|May 2018|June 2018|July 2018|August 2018|September 2018|October 2018|November 2018|December 2018|January 2019|February 2019|March 2019|April 2019|May 2019|June 2019|July 2019|August 2019|September 2019|October 2019|November 2019|December 2019|January 2020|February 2020|March 2020|April 2020|May 2020|June 2020|July 2020|August 2020|September 2020|October 2020|November 2020|December 2020|January 2021|February 2021|March 2021|April 2021|May 2021|June 2021|July 2021|August 2021|September 2021|October 2021|November 2021|December 2021|January 2022|February 2022|March 2022|April 2022|May 2022|June 2022|July 2022|August 2022|September 2022|October 2022|November 2022|December 2022|January 2023|February 2023|March 2023|April 2023|May 2023|June 2023|July 2023|August 2023|September 2023|October 2023|November 2023|December 2023|January 2024|February 2024|March 2024|April 2024|May 2024|June 2024|July 2024|August 2024|September 2024|October 2024|November 2024|December 2024|January 2025
[[The Talk (also silent)]]
[[The Ancients]]